[Getdp] 2D Helmholtz eigenvalue equation

Lars Rindorf lhr at com.dtu.dk
Mon Oct 22 16:06:47 CEST 2007

Dear all
I'm trying to model a Helmholtz equation on a circular domain in 2D. The script is adapted from the 1eigen script from the getdp webpage where the same equation was solved in 1D. The model works fine, but when I try to impose Dirichlet boundary conditions, then the bc is not enforced as the field is non-zero at the boundary. 
What is wrong in my script?
Kind regards
Lars Rindorf


Lars Rindorf, M. Sc., PhD student

Fibers and Nonlinear Optics Group

COM*DTU Department of Communication, Optics and Materials

Technical University of Denmark

Building 345v/267

DK-2800 Lyngby


Phone: +45 45256365

Fax: +45 45936581

Email: LHR at com.dtu.dk


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