[Getdp] material property defined in each element
Ruth V. Sabariego
r.sabariego at ulg.ac.be
Tue Apr 5 16:12:33 CEST 2011
You could fill a function space with the values of sigma by means of a
You start reading the values from a text file "mysigma.txt" with the
following structure:
numberOfNode SigmaValue
. .
. .
numberOfNode SigmaValue
// get (nodal values of) sigma from .txt file:
listsigma = ListFromFile["mysigma.txt"];
mysigma[] = ValueFromIndex[]{listsigma{}};
Constraint {
// completely fix sigma function space
{ Name MySigma ; Type Assign ;
Case {
{ Region MyDomain ; Value mysigma[] ; }
FunctionSpace {
{ Name BF_sigma ; Type Form0 ;
BasisFunction {
// interpolate each component of sigma using standard nodal
// shape functions; you could also define other fuction space
{ Name sn ; NameOfCoef s ; Function BF_Node ;
Support Region[{MyDomain}] ; Entity NodesOf[ All] ; }
SubSpace {
// make subspaces available in formulation
{ Name sub ; NameOfBasisFunction sn; }
Constraint {
{ NameOfCoef s ;
EntityType NodesOf ; NameOfConstraint MySigma; }
And then you can use it in a formulation as:
Formulation {
{ Name Electrostatics_vf ; Type FemEquation ;
Quantity {
{ Name v ; Type Local ; NameOfSpace Hgrad_vf_Ele ; }
// get each sigma tensor component
{ Name sig ; Type Local ; NameOfSpace BF_sigma[sub] ; }
Equation {
Galerkin { [ {sig} * Dof{Grad v} , {Grad v} ] ;
In MyDomain ; Jacobian Vol ; Integration GradGrad ; }
// hack: null terms necessary to force initialization of fully
// fixed function space
Galerkin { [ Dof{sig} * 0 , {v} ] ;
In MyDomain ; Jacobian Vol ; Integration GradGrad ; }
On 05/04/11 14:44, Jens Trommler wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the conductivity of each element given from another simulation
> and now want to use this conductivity in GetDP for some
> quasistationary simulations.
> Is there an easy way to set the conductivity element-wise?
> I guess that I need to write an .res file but don't really know how
> exactly it should look like and how I can use it in a GetDP script.
> Looked already in the examples but couldn't find any similar problem.
> Thank you for any help.
> Regards,
> Jens.
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Dr. Ir. Ruth V. Sabariego
University of Liege, Dept. of Electrical Engineering& Computer Science,
Applied& Computational Electromagnetics (ACE),
phone: +32-4-3663737 - fax: +32-4-3662910 - http://ace.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/