[Getdp] Problem when compiling GetDP with sequential MUMPS

John Sorker john.sorker at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 19 22:12:47 CEST 2011

Hi all!

I'm trying to compile GetDP with PETSc and sequential MUMPS without MPI

but unfortunately I fail with compiling PETSc (Ubuntu 11.04 32 bit)

I used the following configure flags:
./configure --CC=gcc --CXX=g++ --FC=gfortran --download-f-blas-lapack=ifneeded --with-debugging=0 --with-clanguage=cxx --with-shared=0 --with-x=0  --with-mpi=0 --download-mumps=ifneeded --with-scalar-type=real --useThreads=0

Then I get this configure error:
    Did not find package PARMETIS needed by MUMPS.

As I do not want to build a MPI version PARMETIS cannot be used because it depends obviously on MPI.

I would be really happy if someone could tell me how to compile GetDP with PETSc and MUMPS
without MPI as it is done for the binaries.

Best regards,
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