[Getdp] normal component of gradient od scalar function

Mengelkamp Judith TU Ilmenau Judith.Mengelkamp at tu-ilmenau.de
Tue Jun 2 11:48:00 CEST 2015

Hello getDP-users,

in my current project I have to calculate the surface integral of the normal component of the gradient of the electric potential. How do I do this in getDP-formulation? Is there somewhere an example?

I searched on the internet and found that a BF_GradGroupOfNodes basis function with a OnOneSideOf group.

So my function space looks like (Domain_SC is a surface entity, Domain is the whole domain)

{ Name Hgrad_phi ; Type Form1 ;
    BasisFunction {
                { Name sn2 ; NameOfCoef phin2 ; Function BF_GradGroupOfNodes ;
        Support ElementsOf[Domain, OnOneSideOf Domain_SC] ; Entity NodesOf[Domain_SC] ; }
    Constraint {
                  { NameOfCoef phin2 ; EntityType GroupsOfNodesOf ;
                  NameOfConstraint DirichletPhi2 ; }

With the constraint

{ Name DirichletPhi2 ; Type Assign;
    Case {
      { Region Domain_SC ; Value 0. ; }

And the formulation

Galerkin { [ sigma[] * Dof{d phi} , {phi} ] ; In Domain_SC ; Jacobian JVol ; Integration I1 ; }

However, the solution does not look satisfying to me.

Any held would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

M.Sc. Judith Mengelkamp

Technische Universität Ilmenau
Institut für Biomedizinische Technik und Informatik (Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Informatics)
Fachgebiet Biomedizinische Technik (Biomedical Engineering Group)

Phone: +49 3677 69-1958
Fax:       +49 3677 69-1311
e-mail:  judith.mengelkamp at tu-ilmenau.de

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