[Getdp] [solve] Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Peter Kis md2z34 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 00:27:22 CEST 2015

Dear List Members,

I am at the very beginning of learning how to use getdp. In fact I bumped
into a problem at my first model, which is about an axisymmetric 2D coil in
time domain. I use vector potential formalism with excitation current
perpendicular to the plane. Therefore this is a nodal FEM problem because
the vector potential has only phi component as the current density.

I did my best to tackle this problem but something is wrong with my *.pro
file. However the example files run well.

I use getdp version 2.6.1 64 bit on Linux and get this message:

getdp coil.pro -solve '#1' -pos '#1' -msh coil.msh
Info    : Running 'getdp coil.pro -solve #1 -pos #1 -msh coil.msh' [GetDP
2.6.1, 1 node]
Info    : Started (Fri Aug  7 00:13:51 2015, CPU = 0.076s, Mem = 255.719Mb)
Info    : Initializing Gmsh
Info    : Loading problem definition 'coil.pro'
Info    : Loading problem definition 'param.geo'
Info    : Selected Resolution 'Solution'
Info    : Loading Geometric data 'coil.msh'
Info    : System 'Syst' : Real
P r e - P r o c e s s i n g . . .
Info    : Treatment Formulation 'VectorPotentialFormulation'
make: *** [solve] Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Could you take a look at my project file what's wrong with it?  This is
really my very first project in getDP. So any clue is welcome.

Thank you for your help in advance.


// coil.pro: weak formulation

Include "param.geo";

Group{ // OK
    Omega_air = Region[{Omega_air}];
    Omega_coil = Region[{Omega_coil}];
    Omega = Region[ All ];
    Gama_D = Region[{Gama_D}]; // Dirichlet for A=0

Function{ // OK
    InitialState[Omega] = 0.;
    mu0 = 4e-7*Pi;
    Freq = 50;
    t0 = 0;
    tmax = 2.;
    dt = 0.1;
    theta = 1.; // backward Euler
    source_current_t = {0, 1, 2};
    source_current_j = {0, 1, 1};
    Js[] = InterpolationLinear[$1]{ListAlt[source_current_t,
//    Jext[] = Js[$Time];
    Jext[] = 50*(1-Exp[-0.5*$Time]);
    sigma[Omega_air] = 1;
    sigma[Omega_coil] = 6e7;

Jacobian { // OK
 { Name JVol; // for 2D regions
   Case {
     {Region All; Jacobian VolAxi;}
 { Name JSur; // for 1D regions
   Case {
     {Region All; Jacobian SurAxi;}

Integration {
  { Name I1 ;
    Case {
      { Type Gauss ;
        Case {
          { GeoElement Point ; NumberOfPoints  1 ; }
          { GeoElement Line ; NumberOfPoints  4 ; }
          { GeoElement Triangle ; NumberOfPoints  6 ; }
          { GeoElement Quadrangle ; NumberOfPoints 7 ; }
          { GeoElement Tetrahedron ; NumberOfPoints 15 ; }
          { GeoElement Hexahedron ; NumberOfPoints 34 ; }

Constraint{ // OK
    // Initial State
    {Name InitialData; Type Init;
        Case {
            {Region Omega; Value InitialState[];}
    // Dirichlet in Inf.
    {Name DirichletBC; Type Assign;
        Case {
            {Region Gama_D; Value 0;}
    // No constraint for the axis

FunctionSpace{ // OK
  { Name Afs; Type Form0;
      {Name Ni; NameOfCoef Ai; Function BF_Node;
       Support Omega; Entity NodesOf[All];}
    Constraint {
        {NameOfCoef Ai; EntityType NodesOf;
         NameOfConstraint DirichletBC;}
        {NameOfCoef Ai; EntityType NodesOf;
         NameOfConstraint InitialData;}

Formulation{ // OK
  {Name VectorPotentialFormulation; Type FemEquation;
     {Name a; Type Local; NameOfSpace Afs;}
    Galerkin{ [1/mu0*Dof{Curl a},{Curl a}];
      In Omega; Jacobian JVol; Integration I1;}

    Galerkin{ DtDof[sigma[]*Dof{a},{a}];
      In Omega; Jacobian JVol; Integration I1;}

    Galerkin{ [-Jext[],{a}];
      In Omega_coil; Jacobian JVol; Integration I1;}

  {Name Solution;
      {Name Syst; NameOfFormulation VectorPotentialFormulation;}
        TimeLoopTheta[t0,tmax,dt,theta] {
            Generate[Syst]; Solve[Syst]; SaveSolution[Syst];

  {Name VectorPotentialPostProc; NameOfFormulation
    Quantity {
      {Name vec_pot; Value {Local{[{a}];In Omega;Jacobian JVol;}}}

  {Name Map_Vectorpotential; NameOfPostProcessing VectorPotentialPostProc;
      Print[vec_pot, OnElementsOf Omega, File "A.pos"];

// param.geo: the auxiliary file

// PhysicalIDs
Omega_coil = 700;
Omega_air = 1000;
Gama_D = 500;

// Geometry
r_enc = 60e-3;
z_enc = 40e-3;
inner_radius = 59e-3/2;
thick = 100e-6;
width = 4e-3;

// Mesh
lc_air = 0.008;
lc_coil = 0.5e-3;


// coil.geo: creation of the geometry with GMSH

Include "param.geo";

// Enclosure points
p1 = newp; Point(p1) = {0,-z_enc,0,lc_air};
p2 = newp; Point(p2) = {r_enc,-z_enc,0,lc_air};
p3 = newp; Point(p3) = {r_enc,z_enc,0,lc_air};
p4 = newp; Point(p4) = {0,z_enc,0,lc_air};

// First turn points
p5 = newp; Point(p5) = {inner_radius,-width/2,0,lc_coil};
p6 = newp; Point(p6) = {inner_radius,width/2,0,lc_coil};
p7 = newp; Point(p7) = {inner_radius+thick,width/2,0,lc_coil};
p8 = newp; Point(p8) = {inner_radius+thick,-width/2,0,lc_coil};

// Enclosure lines
L1 = newreg; Line(L1) = {p1,p2};
L2 = newreg; Line(L2) = {p2,p3};
L3 = newreg; Line(L3) = {p3,p4};
L4 = newreg; Line(L4) = {p4,p1};

// First turn lines
L5 = newreg; Line(L5) = {p5,p6};
L6 = newreg; Line(L6) = {p6,p7};
L7 = newreg; Line(L7) = {p7,p8};
L8 = newreg; Line(L8) = {p8,p5};

// Line loops
Bound = newreg; Line Loop(Bound) = {L1,L2,L3,L4};
Turn = newreg; Line Loop(Turn) = {L5,L6,L7,L8};

SurfaceOmega_air = newreg; Plane Surface(SurfaceOmega_air) = {Bound,Turn};
SurfaceOmega_coil = newreg; Plane Surface(SurfaceOmega_coil) = {Turn};

Physical Surface(Omega_air) = {SurfaceOmega_air};
Physical Surface(Omega_coil) = {SurfaceOmega_coil};

// For Dirichlet bnd cnd
Physical Line(Gama_D) = {L1,L2,L3};

Mesh.Algorithm = 1;
//Mesh.SurfaceFaces = 1;
//Mesh.SurfaceNumbers = 1;
//Mesh.LabelType = 2; // Show Phys ID
//Mesh 2;
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