[Gmsh-announce] New Gmsh release: 1.23

Christophe Geuzaine Christophe.Geuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Thu Aug 16 17:42:57 CEST 2001

Dear Gmsh users,

We have just released a new version of Gmsh (1.23) which fixes a serious
bug in version 1.22 (the extrusion algorithm generated duplicate
elements, and sometimes inconsistent meshes: thanks to Tuan Ledinh and
Nicolas Moes for their feedback on these issues!). This new release
should also greatly enhance the display of vector post-processing views
when shown as displacement maps.


New in 1.23: Fixed duplicate elements generation + non-matching
tetrahedra faces in 3D extruded meshes; Better display of displacement
maps; fixed interactive ellipsis construction; generalized boundary
operator; added new explode option for post-processing views; enhanced
link view behaviour (to update only the changed items); added new
default plugins: Skin, Transform, Smooth; fixed various other small
bugs (mostly in the post-processing module and for extruded meshes);