[Gmsh-announce] New Gmsh release: 1.61

Christophe Geuzaine cag32 at case.edu
Fri Nov 25 06:43:59 CET 2005

New in 1.61: added support for second order (curved) elements in
post-processor; new version (1.4) of post-processing file formats; new
stippling options for 2D plots; removed limit on allowed number of
files on command line; all "Combine" operations are now available in
the parser; changed View.ArrowLocation into View.GlyphLocation;
optimized memory usage when loading many (>1000) views; optimized
loading and drawing of line meshes and 2D iso views; optimized
handling of meshes with large number of physical entities; optimized
vertex array creation for large post-processing views on
Windows/Cygwin; removed Discrete Line and Discrete Surface commands
(the same functionality can now be obtained by simply loading a mesh
in .msh format); fixed coloring by mesh partition; added option to
light wireframe meshes and views; new "mesh statistics" export format;
new full-quad recombine option; new Plugin(ModulusPhase); hexas and
prisms are now always saved with positive volume; improved interactive
entity selection; new experimental Tetgen integration; new
experimental STL remeshing algorithm; various small bug fixes and