[Gmsh-announce] New Gmsh release: 3.0.0

Christophe Geuzaine cgeuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Thu Apr 13 16:52:53 CEST 2017

We are pleased to announce the release of Gmsh 3.0.0! This is a major milestone for Gmsh, as version 3.0.0 adds full constructive solid geometry features: see https://youtu.be/dywdlaaE1U8 for a short video, and http://gitlab.onelab.info/gmsh/gmsh/tree/master/demos/boolean for various examples.

Let us know what you think on https://www.facebook.com/OnelabModels/ and https://twitter.com/OnelabModels

New in 3.0.0: new constructive solid geometry features and boolean
operations using OpenCASCADE; improved graphical user interface for interactive,
parametric geometry construction; new or modified commands in .geo files:
SetFactory, Circle, Ellipse, Wire, Surface, Sphere, Block, Torus, Rectangle,
Disk, Cylinder, Cone, Wedge, ThickSolid, ThruSections, Ruled ThruSections,
Fillet, Extrude, BooleanUnion, BooleanIntersection, BooleanDifference,
BooleanFragments, ShapeFromFile, Recursive Delete, Unique; "Surface" replaces
the deprecated "Ruled Surface" command; faster 3D tetrahedral mesh optimization
enabled by default; major code refactoring and numerous bug fixes.

Downloads, mailing lists, etc.: http://gmsh.info

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