[Gmsh] 2.0.5 crashes while inspecting mesh element

Alexander Rabtchevich alexander.v.rabtchevich at iaph.bas-net.by
Tue Mar 20 18:54:23 CET 2007

I've meshed a simply cube with the next options:

eneral.Orthographic = 0; // Orthographic projection mode (0=perspective
Geometry.Surfaces = 1; // Display geometry surfaces?
Geometry.Volumes = 1; // Display geometry volumes? (not implemented yet)
Mesh.Algorithm3D = 4; // 3D mesh algorithm (1=delaunay, 4=netgen, 5=tetgen)
Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromCurvature = 1; // Compute characteritic
lenghts automatically from curvatures
Mesh.ElementOrder = 5; // Element order (1=linear elements, N (<6) =
elements of higher order)
Mesh.SecondOrderIncomplete = 0; // Create incomplete second order
elements? (8-node quads, 20-node hexas, etc.)
Mesh.Smoothing = 7; // Number of smoothing steps applied to the final mesh

When I try to inspect any mesh element the program crashes.

With respect
Alexander Rabtchevich