[Gmsh] [GMSH 2.2.3] - Difficulty with meshing multiple bodies in contact

Vinay Madhavan vinay.madhavan at cenaero.be
Tue Aug 12 11:32:14 CEST 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,

I seem to have a problem with meshing multiple 3D bodies with GMSH 
2.2.3. Please find attached a .geo file to create the geometry.
To quickly explain the geometry and the desired mesh,
- 2 Bodies which are coplanar at one face for which independent meshes 
are required , i.e. no merging of nodes/points/lines
-The surface geometry for which was created with separate points and 
line with an initial offset.
-This was then extruded to obtain volumes and translated to the desired 
location (with one face of each body being coplanar).
When attempts were made to generate the 3D mesh GMSH would crash, 
however GMSH successfully generates the 2D mesh.

I am not sure whether this is a matter of sequence of operation or 
whether this is a bug. Would be very grateful if you could advise me on 
a way to get around this.

Please note that this has been tried with version 2.1.1 as well with no 

Thanking you
Vinay Madhavan


Vinay Madhavan
Research Engineer - Virtual Manufacturing Group
Bâtiment EOLE, 1er étage
Rue des Frères Wright, 29
B-6041 Gosselies

Tél: + 32 (0)71 91.93.77
Mob: + 32 (0)477 96 55 98

vinay.madhavan at cenaero.be

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