[Gmsh] simple hexahedron with periodic, aka. conforming, boundary mesh ?
Oswald Benedikt
Benedikt.Oswald at psi.ch
Thu Feb 2 17:24:43 CET 2012
Dear GMSH developers and users
attached you will find a simple .geo script that tries to create a tetrahedral mesh
for a hexahedron whose respective surface meshes should be conforming so as
to allow for simple implementation of periodic boundary conditions.
As it appears in my gmsh version:
GUI toolkit: FLTK 1.3.0
* Build OS: MacOSX
* Build date: 20111203
* Build host: ace25.montefiore.ulg.ac.be
* Build options: Ann Bamg Bfgs Blas(VecLib) Blossom Chaco DIntegration Dlopen FlTree Fltk GMP Gmm Jpeg(Fltk) Kbipack Lapack(VecLib) MathEx Med Mesh Metis Mmg3d Mpeg NativeFileChooser Netgen OpenCascade OpenGL PETSc Parser Plugins Png(Fltk) Post SLEPc Salome Solver Tetgen Zlib
* Packaged by: geuzaine
There will be conforming periodic surface meshes in x and z direction but the surface mesh in the y direction
crashes, with an ugly surface mesh that does not cover the rectangular surface.
Is my .geo script wrong or does this simply not yet work in gmsh ?
Is there any way to work around this ?
Last but not least, I should say that in a gmsh version of last year, I actually managed to create a correct mesh
but now with the very same script that does not work any more.
Thanks for having a look, Benedikt
Benedikt Oswald, Dr. sc. techn., dipl. El. Ing. ETH, www.psi.ch, Computational Accelerator Scientist
Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), CH-5232 Villigen, Suisse, benedikt.oswald at psi.ch, +41(0)56 310 32 12
"Passion is required for any great work, and for the Revolution passion and audacity are required in big doses.",
Ernesto 'Che' Guevara, Letter to his parents.
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