[Gmsh] Min Elementsize does not work 2

Niels niels.goldberg at s2008.tu-chemnitz.de
Thu Jul 12 13:18:32 CEST 2012

I appologize but I forgot the attachment in the first mail:


I am currently facing a problem of too small elements. I attached a 
*.geo and a *.pos file. I run GMSH with the following command:

gmsh rand.geo -bgm BG.pos -2

My MESH Setting are:

2D Algo: MeshAdapt
Recombination Algo: Standard
Subdivision: None
Remeshing: No split
Smoothing steps: 10
Element size factor: 1.0
Min/Max element size: 0.5 / 6
Element order: 1

Compute element sizes using point values
Extend element sizes from boundary

When I run GMSH with these settings I get a very small element in the 
upper right "corner" (actually it is a circle). Do I miss a setting to 
really force the boundaries for element sizes? Or did I find a bug?

With kind regards

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