[Gmsh] readOCCIGES,readOCCStep command

1948 super super1948 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 04:50:51 CET 2013

Dear Gmsh User,

I want to know how to use the commad readOCCIGES and readOCCSTEP.

In the Gmsh Aplication demo program,

there is Mainsimple.cpp.

It is OK to compile and run.

This program is reading "t5.geo" file
by GMODEL *m m->readGEO(("t5.GEO");
and meshing by mesh(3).

I replaced GMODEL *m m->readGEO(("t5.GEO");
by m->readOCCIGES(hammer.iges) or m->readOCCSTEP(hammer.step);

and meshing by mesh(3).

It is no error to compile and  run but there is nothing meshing file after
the excution.
please let me know the solution on this trouble.

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