[Gmsh] Mesh Size at circles

Marc Schöning marc.schoening at mcschoening.de
Tue Mar 4 08:30:56 CET 2014

Hello list,

I am facing a problem meshing huge 2D geometries.

Typically, controlling mesh size with the fourth argument of point 
definition works very well, but I am missing a possibility to control 
the mesh size (probably I just missed the right option) in the area of 
small circles.

The attached screenshot of a meshed stator (of an electrical machine) 
illustrating my problem. All points in the stator tooth and stator yoke 
area have the same mesh size given by the corresponding points. But in 
the area of the small circle, the mesh size is very fine and I am not 
able to coarsen it more. I tried to adjust the mesh size of the circle 
center point, but it does not change anything.

Finally, I am running in a very coarse mesh in the stator tooth while I 
have a very fine mesh in the stator yoke. This results in unnecessary 
long computation times.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


PS: Thank you so much for this fantastic program!
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