[Gmsh] Record geometryi a gif file using command-line mode

paul.carrico at free.fr paul.carrico at free.fr
Thu May 14 13:37:12 CEST 2015

Dear All,

I would like to record in a file the geometry of a 2D model (X,Y) in a command-line, by specifying the coordinates of the bottom-left of the model coincides with the one of Gmsh plot; After different attempts and other trials, I failed so far.

Does somebody know the correct syntax - any advice will be appreciated

Thanks in advance


The latest trial directly in the .geo file:
View.MinX = 0;
View.MaxX = 120;
View.MinY = 0;
View.MaxY = 50;
//View.AutoPosition = 4; // do not work
Print.GifTransparent = 1; // ok
Print "sample.gif"; // ok