[Gmsh] Separate msh files for conforming meshes of two different domains.

Theler German Guillermo gtheler at cites-gss.com
Fri Jun 3 17:36:58 CEST 2016


Try comenting the definition of one physical volume and exporting one
mesh, then uncomment the first volume and comment the second and export
the second mesh. Make sure Mesh.SaveAll = 0 (see
http://gmsh.info/doc/texinfo/gmsh.html#Mesh-options-list )

Germán Theler :: CTO Ingeniería & TICs

CITES – Centro de Innovación Tecnológica Empresarial y Social S.A.
Dirección General Sancor Seguros
Grupo Sancor Seguros
tel +54 3493 –428 500 – Int.: 3374
gtheler at cites-gss.com
www.cites-gss.com - www.gruposancorseguros.com

On Fri, 2016-06-03 at 09:33 +0200, Uģis Lācis wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am using GMSH to generate a 3D mesh to solve fluid and solid equations
> in FreeFem++ in a coupled manner. So far I have generated two different
> *.geo files for fluid and solid part, and that has produced reasonable
> results for me up till now.
> However, when investigating the produced meshes in a close up, it seems
> that the generated meshes does not conform exactly... there are some
> tiny differences at some points. I would like to get rid of those.
> I have generated a single .geo file for both domains (see example
> attached), but I am not able to export two separate mesh files - one for
> physical volume "50" (and adjacent physical surfaces), and other for
> physical volume "51" (and adjacent physical surfaces).
> For me the task seems simple. Is there an easy/automatic way to do that
> using gmsh?
> I could of course write a script, that takes the whole mesh and extracts
> the needed elements to other file, but for me it makes sense that such
> functionality would be present within GMSH already.
> I am using GMSH version 2.12.0.
> Best regards,
> Ugis
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