[Gmsh] error message "a tet is not connected by a boundary face"

Massimiliano Martinelli martinelli at imati.cnr.it
Thu Feb 9 12:03:08 CET 2017

Good morning,

I have a problem using GMsh.

I would like to generate a 3D mesh for the simple gemoetry defined by
the attached script.
The 1D and 2D mesh generation are ok but running the 3D mesh generation
I obtain the following messages:
"a tet is not connected by a boundary face".

Am I doing something wrong?

PS: I'm using GMsh 2.16 with GUI on MacOSX and I have not changed the
default settings.

Thank you very much,
Massimiliano Martinelli

Massimiliano Martinelli
IMATI "E.Magenes" - CNR
via Ferrata 5, 27100 Pavia
(+39) 0382 548234
-------------- next part --------------
// Gmsh project created on Thu Feb  9 09:53:45 2017
lc = 1.0;
xmin = 0.0;
xmax = 1.0;
ymin = 0.0;
ymax = 1.0;
zmin = 0.0;
zmax = 1.0;

Point(0) = {xmin, ymin, zmin, lc};
Point(1) = {xmax, ymin, zmin, lc};
Point(2) = {xmin, ymax, zmin, lc};
Point(3) = {xmax, ymax, zmin, lc};
Point(4) = {xmin, ymin, zmax, lc};
Point(5) = {xmax, ymin, zmax, lc};
Point(6) = {xmin, ymax, zmax, lc};

Line(40) = {4,0};
Line(15) = {1,5};
Line(26) = {2,6};
Line(20) = {2,0};
Line(13) = {1,3};
Line(46) = {4,6};
Line(10) = {1,0};
Line(23) = {2,3};
Line(45) = {4,5};

Point(8) = {xmax,ymax,(zmin+zmax)/2}; 
Point(9) = {xmax,(ymin+ymax)/2,zmax}; 
Point(10) = {(xmin+xmax)/2,ymax,zmax};

Line(610) = {6,10};
Line(59) = {5,9};
Line(38) = {3,8};
Line(89) = {8,9};
Line(810) = {8,10};
Line(910) = {9,10};

Line Loop(0) = -{40,-20,26,-46};
Line Loop(1) = -{15,59,-89,-38,-13};
Line Loop(2) = -{10,-40,45,-15};
Line Loop(3) = {-23,26,610,-810,-38};
Line Loop(4) = -{13,-23,20,-10};
Line Loop(5) = {45,59,910,-610,-46};
Line Loop(6) = -{89,910,-810};

Plane Surface(0) = {0};
Plane Surface(1) = {1};
Plane Surface(2) = {2};
Plane Surface(3) = {3};
Plane Surface(4) = {4};
Plane Surface(5) = {5};
Plane Surface(6) = {6};

Surface Loop(0) = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6};
Volume(0) = {0};

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