[Gmsh] Volume{} creates duplicate Surfaces: gmsh w/o OpenCascade
Paul Fulmek
fulmek at tuwien.ac.at
Fri Jan 19 16:23:58 CET 2018
Dear gmsh-list,
I noticed a different or strange behaviour of gmsh-3.0.1/3.0.6 w/o
SetFactory("OpenCASCADE") when creating a Volume{}.
Usually I rely upon my list of surfaces, which I use in the Surface
Loop{} command to create a Volume, accordingly I declare the Physical-ID
Volumes/Surfaces from my private book-keeping of surfaces and volumes.
If I do use SetFactory("OpenCASCADE") in my script, however, this
assumption fails, at least in my simple test-case. The Volume-command
creates new Surfaces, ignoring my original surface-IDs, which leads to
physical volumes which are not bounded by my physical surfaces, leading
to unexpected behaviour in the subsequent GetDP simulations.
I have attached a simple test-case geo-script which shows this
behaviour, this script contains some more comments on what has been tried:
If using gmsh-built-in everything is OK, as expected
If using openCASCADE a strange thing happens:
Volume(P_Vol) = { surface_loop };
creates some duplicate surfaces from the complete and correct
surface-list! I.e. my original surface-loop does no longer describe the
boundaries of the new volume!
gmsh-3.0.6 shows this behavior always
gmsh-3.0.1 shows this only if my original surface-ID-list has been
modified in the process!
Whats wrong with my script/assumptions?
Thank you very much,
kind regards
-------------- next part --------------
* model_1.geo
* dummy-test-file to show a strange gmsh behaviour if I modify a volume-surface of a simple block:
* if using gmsh-built-in everything is OK, as expected
* if using openCASCADE a strange thing happens:
* Volume(P_Vol) = { surface_list };
* creates duplicate surfaces from surface-list!
* i.e. my original surface-list does no longer describe the boundaries of the volume!
* I must not use my stored surface-list-IDs as physical-boundary of the volume!
* gmsh-3.0.6 shows this behavior always
* gmsh-3.0.1 shows this only if the P_Surf[]-list has been modified!
* The output-comments of this script are designed for processing with gmsg-3.0.1!
use_openCascade = 1;
choose_new_ID = 0;
* test-case w/o SetFactory("OpenCASCADE");
1) create lines, create surface, create volume by extrusion, store volume-boundaries in my P_surf[]-list
2) delete the volume, delete one surface with the ID P_Surf[0]
3A) create a new surface with the ID P_surf[0] -> behaves OK, as expected in gmsh-3.0.1
3B) create a new surface with a NEW ID P_surf[0]
4) create the surface-loop from P_surf[]
5) create the volume again -> behaves STRANGE, unexpected!
6) compare surface-loop P_surf[] to the queried volume-boundaries
*** OK: choose_new_ID = 0 *******************************
OK: all as expected, if I simply re-use my ID P_surf[0] for creating the new surface and the new volume.
The boundary of the new volume exactly reflects my surface-list.
I do receive 1 volume and 6 surfaces, as expected my 6 items of P_surf[]
*** model_1.geo: test case geometry design ***
*** OK: keep my private surface-list ***
***** create simple Plane Surface *****
***** extrude surface to a volume and store the boundary-surface-list *****
***** resulting P_Vol, P_Surf[] *****
P_Vol #1: 1,
P_Surf #6: 6, 11, 7, 8, 9, 10,
bnd P_Surf [0] #4: 1, 2, 3, 4,
bnd P_Surf [1] #4: 7, 9, 11, 12,
bnd P_Surf [2] #4: 5, 7, -6, -1,
bnd P_Surf [3] #4: 6, 9, -8, -2,
bnd P_Surf [4] #4: 8, 11, -10, -3,
bnd P_Surf [5] #4: 10, 12, -5, -4,
***** query volume boundary *****
P_Vbnd #6: 7, 8, 9, 10, 6, 11,
bnd P_Vbnd [0] #4: 5, 7, -6, -1,
bnd P_Vbnd [1] #4: 6, 9, -8, -2,
bnd P_Vbnd [2] #4: 8, 11, -10, -3,
bnd P_Vbnd [3] #4: 10, 12, -5, -4,
bnd P_Vbnd [4] #4: 1, 2, 3, 4,
bnd P_Vbnd [5] #4: 7, 9, 11, 12,
***** delete P_Vol 1
***** delete P_Surf[0] 6
***** keep the original P_Surf-list *****
***** create new surface from the original line-loop *****
P_S0bd #4: 1, 2, 3, 4,
***** create new surface-loop and volume *****
***** resulting P_Vol, P_Surf[] *****
P_Vol #1: 15,
P_Surf #6: 6, 11, 7, 8, 9, 10,
bnd P_Surf [0] #4: 1, 2, 3, 4,
bnd P_Surf [1] #4: 7, 9, 11, 12,
bnd P_Surf [2] #4: 5, 7, -6, -1,
bnd P_Surf [3] #4: 6, 9, -8, -2,
bnd P_Surf [4] #4: 8, 11, -10, -3,
bnd P_Surf [5] #4: 10, 12, -5, -4,
***** query volume boundary *****
P_Vbnd #6: 6, 7, 11, 8, 9, 10,
bnd P_Vbnd [0] #4: 1, 2, 3, 4,
bnd P_Vbnd [1] #4: 5, 7, -6, -1,
bnd P_Vbnd [2] #4: 7, 9, 11, 12,
bnd P_Vbnd [3] #4: 6, 9, -8, -2,
bnd P_Vbnd [4] #4: 8, 11, -10, -3,
bnd P_Vbnd [5] #4: 10, 12, -5, -4,
*** STRANGE: choose_new_ID = 1 **************************
STRANGE: after deleting the Volume P_Vol and the surface P_Surf[0]
a new ID for my new surface P_surf[0] is chosen, e.g. by P_Surf[0] = news.
Then create the new Surface P_surf[0], create a surface-loop from my modified P_Surf[]-list,
and then create the new Volume.
Obviously the Volume{}-command creates new surfaces, which are exact duplicates of my original
surfaces declared in the surface-loop?
What is the reason for the discrepancy between the Boundary of the volume and my Surface-list,
which is the root for the Volume creation!
I do receive 1 volume and 10 surfaces!
The Volume-command has created 4 new surfaces, duplicating 4 of my surface-loop-items!
*** model_1.geo: test case geometry design ***
*** STRANGE: modify my private surface-list ***
***** create simple Plane Surface *****
***** extrude surface to a volume and store the boundary-surface-list *****
***** resulting P_Vol, P_Surf[] *****
P_Vol #1: 1,
P_Surf #6: 6, 11, 7, 8, 9, 10,
bnd P_Surf [0] #4: 1, 2, 3, 4,
bnd P_Surf [1] #4: 7, 9, 11, 12,
bnd P_Surf [2] #4: 5, 7, -6, -1,
bnd P_Surf [3] #4: 6, 9, -8, -2,
bnd P_Surf [4] #4: 8, 11, -10, -3,
bnd P_Surf [5] #4: 10, 12, -5, -4,
***** query volume boundary *****
P_Vbnd #6: 7, 8, 9, 10, 6, 11,
bnd P_Vbnd [0] #4: 5, 7, -6, -1,
bnd P_Vbnd [1] #4: 6, 9, -8, -2,
bnd P_Vbnd [2] #4: 8, 11, -10, -3,
bnd P_Vbnd [3] #4: 10, 12, -5, -4,
bnd P_Vbnd [4] #4: 1, 2, 3, 4,
bnd P_Vbnd [5] #4: 7, 9, 11, 12,
***** delete P_Vol 1
***** delete P_Surf[0] 6
***** choose a new ID for P_Surf[0] *****
P_Surf #6: 13, 11, 7, 8, 9, 10,
***** create new surface from the original line-loop *****
P_S0bd #4: 1, 2, 3, 4,
***** create new surface-loop and volume *****
***** resulting P_Vol, P_Surf[] *****
P_Vol #1: 18,
P_Surf #6: 13, 11, 7, 8, 9, 10,
bnd P_Surf [0] #4: 1, 2, 3, 4,
bnd P_Surf [1] #4: 7, 9, 11, 12,
bnd P_Surf [2] #4: 5, 7, -6, -1,
bnd P_Surf [3] #4: 6, 9, -8, -2,
bnd P_Surf [4] #4: 8, 11, -10, -3,
bnd P_Surf [5] #4: 10, 12, -5, -4,
***** query volume boundary *****
P_Vbnd #6: 13, 14, 11, 15, 16, 17,
bnd P_Vbnd [0] #4: 1, 2, 3, 4,
bnd P_Vbnd [1] #4: 5, 7, -6, -1,
bnd P_Vbnd [2] #4: 7, 9, 11, 12,
bnd P_Vbnd [3] #4: 6, 9, -8, -2,
bnd P_Vbnd [4] #4: 8, 11, -10, -3,
bnd P_Vbnd [5] #4: 10, 12, -5, -4,
Printf("*** model_1.geo: test case geometry design ***");
If( use_openCascade )
Printf("*** gmsh OpenCASCADE:");
Printf("*** gmsh built-in:");
If( choose_new_ID )
If( use_openCascade )
Printf("*** STRANGE: modify my private surface-list ***");
Printf("*** OK: keep my private surface-list ***");
Printf("*** OK: keep my private surface-list ***");
Pxsize = 1.0; Pysize = 1.0; Pzsize = 0.3; Pmesh = 0.1;
Cxsize = 0.5; Cysize = 0.5; Czsize = 0.2; Cmesh = 0.1;
/**** print my lists... ****/
Macro print_list
/* print contents of variable "VName" */
tmpList[] = StringToName[ VName ][];
N = #tmpList[] - 1;
tmpString = StrCat[" ",StrCat[ VName, Sprintf(" #%g: ",N+1) ]];
For t In {0:N}
tmpString = StrCat[ tmpString, Sprintf("%g, ",tmpList[t])];
Printf( tmpString);
/**** das wars mit: Macro print my lists... ****/
/**** print the surface boundaries ****/
Macro print_surf_bnd
/* print surface-boundaries of surface-list "VName" */
tmpSurf[] = StringToName[ VName ][];
Ns = #tmpSurf[] - 1;
For ts In {0:Ns}
tmpList = Boundary{ Surface{ tmpSurf[ts] }; };
N = #tmpList[] - 1;
tmpString = StrCat[" bnd ",StrCat[ VName, Sprintf(" [%g] #%g: ", ts, N+1 ) ]];
For t In {0:N}
tmpString = StrCat[ tmpString, Sprintf("%g, ",tmpList[t])];
Printf( tmpString);
/**** das wars mit: Macro print my lists... ****/
// PLATE corners: pp[]
xx = Pxsize/2.0; yy = Pysize/2.0; zz = 0; ms = Pmesh;
pp[0] = newp; Point(pp[0]) = { xx, yy, 0, ms };
pp[1] = newp; Point(pp[1]) = {-xx, yy, 0, ms };
pp[2] = newp; Point(pp[2]) = {-xx,-yy, 0, ms };
pp[3] = newp; Point(pp[3]) = { xx,-yy, 0, ms };
// we have all points/lists!
// create lines and loops: PLATE
pl[0] = newl; Line(pl[0]) = { pp[0], pp[1] };
pl[1] = newl; Line(pl[1]) = { pp[1], pp[2] };
pl[2] = newl; Line(pl[2]) = { pp[2], pp[3] };
pl[3] = newl; Line(pl[3]) = { pp[3], pp[0] };
pll = newll; Line Loop(pll) = { pl[] };
Printf("***** create simple Plane Surface *****");
P_Surf[0] = news; Plane Surface(P_Surf[0]) = { pll }; // bottom
Printf("***** extrude surface to a volume and store the boundary-surface-list *****");
tmp[] = Extrude{0,0,-Pzsize}{ Surface{P_Surf[0]}; };
P_Vol = tmp[1];
P_Surf[1] = tmp[0]; // top
P_Surf[2] = tmp[2];
P_Surf[3] = tmp[3];
P_Surf[4] = tmp[4];
P_Surf[5] = tmp[5];
Printf("***** resulting P_Vol, P_Surf[] *****");
VName = Str["P_Vol"]; Call print_list;
VName = Str["P_Surf"]; Call print_surf_bnd; Call print_list;
Printf("***** query volume boundary *****");
P_Vbnd[] = Boundary{ Volume{ P_Vol }; };
VName = Str["P_Vbnd"]; Call print_surf_bnd; Call print_list;
// modify the top-surface O_Surf[0]
Delete{ Volume{ P_Vol }; }
Printf("***** delete P_Vol %g",P_Vol);
Delete{ Surface{ P_Surf[0] }; }
Printf("***** delete P_Surf[0] %g",P_Surf[0]);
If( choose_new_ID )
Printf("***** choose a new ID for P_Surf[0] *****");
P_Surf[0] = news; VName = Str["P_Surf"]; Call print_list;
Printf("***** keep the original P_Surf-list *****");
Printf("***** create new surface from the original line-loop *****");
Plane Surface(P_Surf[0]) = { pll };
P_S0bd[] = Boundary{ Surface{ P_Surf[0] }; };
VName = Str["P_S0bd"]; Call print_list;
Printf("***** create new surface-loop and volume *****");
tmp = newsl; Surface Loop(tmp) = { P_Surf[] };
P_Vol = newv; Volume(P_Vol) = { tmp };
Printf("***** resulting P_Vol, P_Surf[] *****");
VName = Str["P_Vol"]; Call print_list;
VName = Str["P_Surf"]; Call print_surf_bnd; Call print_list;
Printf("***** query volume boundary *****");
P_Vbnd[] = Boundary{ Volume{ P_Vol }; };
VName = Str["P_Vbnd"]; Call print_surf_bnd; Call print_list;
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