[Gmsh] Fan error in BL high order mesh
d039007 at polito.it
Tue Feb 6 14:31:26 CET 2018
Dear Gmsh-list,
I'm using Gmsh 2.10.1 to create a 2D mesh for a CFD viscous analisys of
a turbine vane.
To create the mesh I've used Delaunay for quad (2D algorithm) and
Blossom (2D recombination algorithm).
I've a problem with the 2° order grid, in the boundary layer, near the
fan. The second order grid creates a strange element that isn't a hole
or an element with zero volume and there aren't warning or error during
the grid creation process. You could see in the file.png what's happen.
The same problem happen with different 2D algorithm or recombination
algorithm and also with the version 3.0.2.
You could find the file.geo (and the file Profilo.dat with the point's
coordinates) to create the mesh, the file.msh with the problem and also
some pictures with the details of the cells near the fan.
Have anyone seen something like this?
Thank you for your help!
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cordax= 9.9999909999999996;
Include "Profilo.dat";
BSpline(10) = {1:4,13,17,18};
Line(9) = {18:19};
Line(5) = {1,247};
BSpline(8) = {19,25,150,180,210,230,240:247};
Point(10001) = { -cordax, -cordax*Tan(alpha2)-delta, 0.0000000, 2*lcff};
Point(10002) = { -cordax, -cordax*Tan(alpha2)+periodo-delta, 0.0000000, 2*lcff};
Point(10004) = { 0.6*cordax, -cordax*Tan(alpha2)-delta+1.6*cordax*Tan(alpha2), 0.0000000, lcff};
Point(10003) = { 0.6*cordax, -cordax*Tan(alpha2)-delta+1.6*cordax*Tan(alpha2)+periodo, 0.0000000, lcff};
Point(10005) = { 2*cordax, 2*cordax*Tan(alpha)-delta, 0.0000000, lcff};
Point(10006) = { 2*cordax, 2*cordax*Tan(alpha)+periodo-delta, 0.0000000, lcff};
Point(10007) = { 0.6*cordax+0.25*cordax,0.85*cordax*Tan(alpha)-delta-0.6*cordax*Tan(alpha2)+0.3, 0.0,2*lcff};
Point(10008) = { 0.6*cordax+cordax/250, -cordax*Tan(alpha2)-delta+1.6*cordax*Tan(alpha2)+Tan(alpha)*cordax/250, 0.0000000, 2*lcff};
Point(10009) = { 0.06*cordax, 0.06*cordax*Tan(alpha2)-delta, 0.0000000, 2*lcff};
Point(10010) = { -0.1*cordax, -0.1*cordax*Tan(alpha2)-delta, 0.0000000, 2*lcff};
Point(10011) = { cordax, 34.780360000000002-0.5, 0.0000000, lcff};
Line(1) = {10001,10002};
Line(2) = {10002,10003};
Line(3) = {10003,10006};
Line(4) = {10006,10005};
Line(6) = {10005,10004};
Line(7) = {10004,10001};
Periodic Line { 2} = {-7};
Periodic Line { 3} = {-6};
//Define bounding box outer boundary
Line Loop(101) = {1, 2,3,4,6,7};
//Define foil boundary
Line Loop(102) = {10,9,8,-5};
Plane Surface(201) = {101, 102};
//Define physical surfaces - numeric designations from GUI
Physical Surface(1) = {201}; //superficie fluida
Physical Line(33) = {1}; //inlet
Physical Line(22) = {4}; //outlet
Physical Line(99) = {9,10,5,8}; //adiabatic solid wall
Physical Line(105) = {2,3}; //perio2
Physical Line(106) = {6,7}; //perio1
Transfinite Line{1} = 20 Using Progression 1.0;
Transfinite Line{4} = 20 Using Progression 1.0;
Field[6] = Cylinder ;
Field[6].XCenter = cordax;
Field[6].YCenter = 34.780360000000002;
Field[6].ZCenter = 0.000000e+00;
Field[6].XAxis = 0.000000e+00;
Field[6].YAxis = 0.000000e+00;
Field[6].ZAxis = 1;
Field[6].Radius = 2.3;
Field[6].VIn = 0.5*lcw;
Field[6].VOut =lcff;
Field[22] = Attractor;
Field[22].NodesList = {1,247};
Field[33] = Threshold;
Field[33].IField = 22;
Field[33].LcMin = 0.15*lcw;
Field[33].LcMax = lcff;
Field[33].DistMin = 0.05;
Field[33].DistMax = 0.5;
Field[4] = Attractor;
Field[4].NNodesByEdge = 50000;
Field[4].EdgesList = {9,10,8,5};
Field[5] = Threshold;
Field[5].IField = 4;
Field[5].LcMin = 0.331*lcw;
Field[5].LcMax = lcff;
Field[5].DistMin = 0.05;
Field[5].DistMax = 2;
Field[14] = Attractor;
Field[14].NNodesByEdge = 5000;
Field[14].EdgesList = {5};
Field[15] = Threshold;
Field[15].IField = 14;
Field[15].LcMin = 0.1*lcw;
Field[15].LcMax = lcff;
Field[15].DistMin = 0.3;
Field[15].DistMax = 2;
Field[18] = Attractor;
Field[18].NNodesByEdge = 1000;
Field[18].EdgesList = {200,202};
Field[19] = Threshold;
Field[19].IField = 18;
Field[19].LcMin = 0.55*lcw;
Field[19].LcMax = lcff;
Field[19].DistMin = 0.01;
Field[19].DistMax = 2;
//Field[10] = MathEval;
//Field[10].F = "Max(0.1,0.2)";
Line(15) = {1,10011};
Field[26] = Attractor;
Field[26].NNodesByEdge = 4000;
Field[26].EdgesList = {15};
Field[37] = Threshold;
Field[37].IField = 26;
Field[37].LcMin = 0.0009*cordax;
Field[37].LcMax = lcff;
Field[37].DistMin = 0.001;
Field[37].DistMax = 0.05;
//Define Boundary Layer
Field[1] = BoundaryLayer;
Field[1].EdgesList = {5, 8,10,9};
Field[1].FanNodesList = {1,247,18,19};
Field[1].hwall_n = 0.000035*cordax;
Field[1].thickness = 0.0027*cordax;
Field[1].ratio = 1.2;
Field[1].AnisoMax = 5;
Field[1].Quads = 1;
Field[1].IntersectMetrics = 0;
BoundaryLayer Field = 1;
Field[7] = Min;
Field[7].FieldsList = {8,6,3,5,10,15,17,19,34,33,35,36,37};
Background Field = 7;
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Point( 1 )={ 9.9999909999999996 , 34.780360000000002 ,0,lcw};
Point( 2 )={ 9.8694620000000004 , 34.378639999999997 ,0,lcw};
Point( 3 )={ 6.7950840000000001 , 24.916670000000000 ,0,lcw};
Point( 4 )={ 6.7913329999999998 , 24.905130000000000 ,0,lcw};
Point( 13 )={ 1.2988430000000000 , 14.125510000000000 ,0,lcw};
Point( 17 )={ 6.6970824999999998E-002 , 12.187290000000001 ,0,lcw};
Point( 18 )={ -9.5367432000000010E-007 , 11.710760000000001 ,0,lcw};
Point( 19 )={ 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 ,0,lcw};
Point( 25 )={ 1.5131530000000000 , -2.2433429999999999 ,0,lcw};
Point( 150 )={ 4.8530980000000001 , 4.0859990000000002 ,0,lcw};
Point( 180 )={ 4.7250719999999999 , 9.6237309999999994 ,0,lcw};
Point( 210 )={ 5.5835710000000001 , 17.290250000000000 ,0,lcw};
Point( 230 )={ 7.2396380000000002 , 24.753430000000002 ,0,lcw};
Point( 240 )={ 8.6221390000000007 , 29.524260000000002 ,0,lcw};
Point( 241 )={ 8.7870570000000008 , 30.047329999999999 ,0,lcw};
Point( 242 )={ 8.9572979999999998 , 30.579170000000001 ,0,lcw};
Point( 243 )={ 9.0296439999999993 , 30.793930000000000 ,0,lcw};
Point( 244 )={ 9.2722309999999997 , 31.540540000000000 ,0,lcw};
Point( 245 )={ 9.5148189999999992 , 32.287149999999997 ,0,lcw};
Point( 246 )={ 9.7574059999999996 , 33.033760000000001 ,0,lcw};
Point( 247 )={ 9.9999939999999992 , 33.780360000000002 ,0,lcw};
Point( 248 )={ 9.9999909999999996 , 34.780360000000002 ,0,lcw};
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