[Gmsh] Double moving band problem

Ruth Vazquez Sabariego ruth.sabariego at kuleuven.be
Sun Nov 18 10:20:33 CET 2018

Dear Cassio,

I think the implementation was pretty general and it should work.
There was a change in syntax some years ago from the original implementation that should be transparent but…

I do not have any example for trying. Could you share yours (in private if you prefer)?

Best regards,

Prof. Ruth V. Sabariego
KU Leuven
Dept. Electrical Engineering ESAT/Electa, EnergyVille

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On 18 Nov 2018, at 02:32, Cássio Trapp Kruger <krugercassio at gmail.com<mailto:krugercassio at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hello, I'm a engineering student (control and automation) at Federal Univesity of Pelotas, Brazil. I'm studying pseudo direct drives (pdd/magnetic gear) and I'm using gmsh/getdp to model it. I've followed some electric machines exemples to develop a single moving band machine as a study. I would like to ask if is there any double moving band exemple that I can follow to simulate a electric generator using a pdd?

I'm having some difficult to link my ".pro" file with the "machine_magstadyn_a.pro<http://machine_magstadyn_a.pro/>" file, because it has only one moving band. Attached is an image of my pdd model, so you may be able to give me some tips on how can I modify the "machine_magstadyn_a.pro<http://machine_magstadyn_a.pro/>" file to use in my machine.

Thanks for the attention!
Best regards,


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