[Gmsh] mesh morphing

Bob Flandard bflandard at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 12:27:03 CEST 2019

Hello Gmshers,

Does Gmsh have the capability to do mesh morphing on a tetrahedral mesh?

To explain a bit more detail, the topology of the morphed mesh would be
unchanged from the initial mesh, but rather than specifying a field of
displacements for all nodes (like the WARP plugin), only a subset of nodes
would have prescribed displacements and Gmsh would then calculate new node
coordinates for all other nodes that gave some kind of globally averaged
minimum element distortion.

For example, a prismatic bar contained within some surrounding air, is
rotated about its centroid (not so much that it penetrates the surrounding
air). In the morphed mesh the relative displacement of nodes within the bar
would be zero and the displacement of nodes on the exterior of the
surrounding air would be zero, but all other nodes would in general move
relative to each other to create nicely shaped elements. Something like

Thanks for your help, Bob
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