[Gmsh] Unit cell with periodic mesh

Sergej Tarasov tarasov at pmi.lv
Fri May 17 23:56:59 CEST 2019

I need to create cubic unit cell containing many particles crossing the walls
with periodic mesh (the geometry itself is periodic). I do it like this:

Mesh.MinimumCurvePoints = 2;
Box(1) = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 };
Cylinder(2) = { 0.669103076524392, 0.926238630543764, 0.380445067549797, -0.00436647701608499, -0.00549592479612254, 0.0071224075356137, 0.25, 2*Pi };
Cylinder(3) = { 0.669103076524392, -0.0737613694562362, 0.380445067549797, -0.00436647701608499, -0.00549592479612254, 0.0071224075356137, 0.25, 2*Pi };
BooleanIntersection{ Volume{ 2:3 }; Delete; } { Volume{ 1 }; }
BooleanDifference{ Volume{ 1 }; Delete; } { Volume{ 2:3 }; }

Periodic Surface{ 21 } = { 16 } Translate{ 1,0,0 };
Periodic Surface{ 9, 19 } = { 14, 17 } Translate{ 0,1,0 };
Periodic Surface{ 18 } = { 20 } Translate{ 0,0,1 };

which works perfectly. But in case of many particles (50-100) I need
to know the ID of each opposite surface. What is the best way to do it in Gmsh?
Or there is better way to achieve this?

Best regards,
 Sergej Tarasov                         mailto:tarasov at pmi.lv

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