[Getdp] Magnetostatic problem in 3D (non symetrical)

Pavol Chladny pchladny at pobox.sk
Thu Jan 13 08:44:13 CET 2005

Hi @,

I\m looking for someone who can help me with problem definition - I\m 
trying to solve magnetostatic problem in 3D (non symetrical)

You can find geometry in attatchement.

Short description:
Physical volumes (1003) represents 4 coils that are generating magnetic 
field. I want to define source current density there.
Physical volume (1005) represents cover or "magnetic shield" and its 
Magnetic permeability should be a constant.
Physical volume (1001) represents wire which Magnetic permeability is 
also constant (in first approxiamtion), but it doesn't have to be placed 
coaxial with magnetic shield.
Physical volumes (1007) and (1008) represent air. (1007) represents air 
within magnetic shield and (1008) outside it.

I need to meassure magnetic flux through 2 concentric circles.

This is my first real use of GMSH/GetDP and I will really appreciate any 
comments or help.

Best regards,
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