Gmsh post processing default suggestion

osman osman at
Sun Apr 9 18:08:06 CEST 2000

Bonjour Christophe,
  I am trying to use gmsh with a free fe program called tochnog. I wrote
an awk script to take the output and create .geo and .pos files. I do
this by changing all elements into 3 noded tria (2d) and 4 noded
tetra(3d) and writing all data as scalar triangle views. This works fine
but at the start all of the view are visible and I have to click all but
one off manually. The nodal data I have for 2D are  vx,vy,dispx,dispy,6
stresses,6 strains, maybe 6 total strains. As you can see this takes me
a few clicks :) Also max number of views is currently set to 20. I can
exceed this in some instances. Is it possible to increase max views to
40? Also at  the start all of the views could be turned off and the user
clicks one he wants on. 
Thanks in advance,
Osman Buyukisik
osman at