[Gmsh] Apparently a bug was detected in GMSH?

Abgastrid at cs.com Abgastrid at cs.com
Wed May 15 04:27:59 CEST 2002

To the Developers of GMSH:

Let me first of all express to you all my congratulations for the development 
of such a useful and interesting interactive mesh generating program. 

Having tried to run a test case (see attachment), describing a region split 
into two contiguous sub-regions prompted, suddenly, a message denoting 
apparently a bug in GMSH.

Therefore, as requested  the input data used in the testing process is being 
transmitted to you, which hopefully would enable you either to correcting the 
bug or. alternatively, pinpointing the error slipped in it.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.


Dr. A. Berge Gureghian

example as included in the attachment
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