[Gmsh] Courbes 2D

Christophe Geuzaine geuzaine at acm.caltech.edu
Thu May 30 18:57:18 CEST 2002

Nicolas Tardieu wrote:
> Bonjour,
> J'ai vu que GMSH est capable de sortir des courbes
> en fonction de l'espace ou du temps.
> Mais comment utilise-t-on cette possibilite?
>     Nicolas

Each post-processing view containing Scalar Points can be represented as
a 2D graph:

- 2D space table: the scalar points are taken in the same order as they
are defined in the view (the abscissa of the graph is the curvilinear
abscissa of the curve defined by the point series) and only one curve is
drawn using the values associated with the points. If several time steps
are available, you can of course animate the 2D graph.

- 2D time table: one curve is drawn for each scalar point in the view:
the abscissa is now the time step. You should have several time steps in
order for this graph to display something useful :-)

All usual options for 3D drawings are also available for 2D graphs
(colors, point/line sizes, iso type, etc.).

Try for example tutorial/view4.pos: in View->Options->general, just
select "2d Space table", et voila!

You can modify the size of the graph and, either define its position
explicitly, or let Gmsh organize the screen presentation to avoid
overlap between 2D graphs. There are also some options peculiar to 2D
graphs (see Options->2D).


Christophe Geuzaine

Tel: (626) 395-4552    http://www.geuz.org
Fax: (626) 578-0124    mailto:geuzaine at acm.caltech.edu