[Gmsh] Runtime Error !

Cécile Giorla cecile.giorla at momagroup.com
Fri Jan 11 15:59:58 CET 2008

Hi !
I have some problem using GMSH in command line. When I try to mesh the 
mesh3D.geo file, I have got the errors in out.txt.
Here is my command line:

gmsh.exe -3 mesh3D.geo -o essai.msh

I try to change the algorithm in the geo file Mesh.Algorithm3D = 1 to 4, 
it doesn't work either. Can you help me? (I think that maybe the way I 
create the mesh is not really OK, so can you tell me a good way to make 
the 3D mesh?)

Thank you very much.

Cécile Giorla

PS : I use the window binary 2.0.8.

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