[Gmsh] Error due to many volumes
Romain Quey
quey at emse.fr
Mon Jun 9 07:04:31 CEST 2008
Dear Gmsh developers, dear all,
Using gmsh 2.2.0 on Linux, I'm having the following error:
$ gmsh -3 n1100-id1.geo
Info : Parsing file 'n1100-id1.geo'
Error : [on processor 0] Unable to open file 'n1100-id1.msh'
My geo file contains many 'Volume' definitions (1100) -- see the
attached example.
Browsing the source files, I've found that this problem probably comes
from 'Parser/Gmsh.tab.cpp':
#line 2548 "Gmsh.y"
if(!strcmp((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].c), "Include")){
char tmpstring[1024];
FixRelativePath((yyvsp[(2) - (3)].c), tmpstring);
// Warning: we *don't* close included files (to allow user
// functions in these files). If you need to include many many
// files and don't have functions in the files, use "Merge"
// instead: some OSes limit the number of files a process can
// open simultaneously. The right solution would be of course
// to modify FunctionManager to reopen the files instead of
// using the FILE pointer, but hey, I'm lazy...
Msg(STATUS2, "Reading '%s'", tmpstring);
ParseFile(tmpstring, 0, 1);
Msg(STATUS2, "Read '%s'", tmpstring);
Could you please solve this problem?
Many thanks for your software,
Best regards,
Romain QUEY
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