[Gmsh] Viewing for neat print outs

Christophe Geuzaine cgeuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Mon Dec 1 11:18:32 CET 2008

Umut Tabak wrote:
> Dear all,
> Is there some kind of isometric view(or others from mechanical 
> engineering terms) that can adjust the orientation of a mesh/post 
> process figure where I adjusted with mouse moves for the moment. X, Y, Z 
> most of the time is not enough. Maybe, the development cycle can include 
> this step as well if not included. Such as defined in

You can set the rotation angles in a script, using either a quaternion
or Euler angles. For example, using Euler angles :

Point(1) = {0,0,0};
Point(2) = {1,0,0};
Point(3) = {1,1,0};
Point(4) = {0,1,0};
Line(1) = {4,3};
Line(2) = {3,2};
Line(3) = {2,1};
Line(4) = {1,4};
Line Loop(5) = {1,2,3,4};
Plane Surface(6) = {5};
Extrude {0,0.0,1} { Surface{6}; }

General.Trackball = 0;
General.RotationX = Asin(Tan(Pi/6)) * 180/Pi;
General.RotationY = 45;
General.RotationZ = 0;

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isometric_projection
> Best regards,
> Umut
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Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science