[Gmsh] Rotate and duplicate mesh

Andrea Ferrari ndr.ferrari at gmail.com
Mon Jan 10 13:47:39 CET 2011


 I would like to rotate and duplicate some surfaces retaining the
structured mesh created.

I try to use :
   Geometry.CopyMeshingMethod = 1;

before the rotate{ duplicate..} command, but i got this error

'Only automatic transfinite surface specifications can be copied'

and then when i try to do the mesh this error:

'Surface 8 is transfinite but has 5 corners'

Here my .geo file:

// Gmsh project created on Mon Jan 10 11:10:05 2011
Geometry.CopyMeshingMethod = 1;
Point(1) = {0,0,0,0.1};
Point(2) = {1,0,0,0.1};
Point(3) = {0,1,0,0.1};
Point(4) = {3,0,0,0.1};
Point(5) = {3,3,0,0.1};
Point(6) = {0,3,0,0.1};
Line(1) = {3,6};
Line(2) = {6,5};
Line(3) = {5,4};
Line(4) = {4,2};
Circle(5) = {2,1,3};
Line Loop(6) = {3,4,5,1,2};
Plane Surface(7) = {6};
Transfinite Line {1} = 40 Using Progression 1.2;
Transfinite Line {4} = 40 Using Progression 1./1.2;
Transfinite Line {3,2} = 20;
Transfinite Line {5} = 39;
Transfinite Surface {7} = {3,6,4,2};
Recombine Surface {7};
Rotate {{0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, Pi} {
 Duplicata{ Surface{7};}

Extrude {0, 0, 0.1} {

If i delete the "rotate line" everythingh is fine.
Any suggestions?