[Gmsh] volume mesh

Martin Genet mgenet at lbl.gov
Thu Mar 29 18:27:31 CEST 2012

Dear GMSH people:

I am having troubles meshing a rather simple geometry: some "bricks" with some "mortar" in between (see .geo files).

If I do not actually mesh the mortar volume, everything seems to be fine: the bricks are correctly meshed (see bricks.png), as well as the mortar surface loop (see mortar_geometry.png) and its orientation (see mortar_orientation.png).

However, when I ask GMSH to actually mesh the mortar volume, when using the frontal algorithm I get a lot of error like

>Error   : ERROR: Edge 8 - 2061 multiple times in surface mesh

and then

> Error   : ERROR: Surface mesh not consistent
> Error   : ERROR: Stop meshing since surface mesh not consistent

and when using the Delaunay algorithm (I use the svn version with netgen) after more than three hours I get a pretty weird mesh: bricks are somehow broken (see bricks_broken.png) and the mortar does not quite fit into its surface mesh (see mortar_broken.png).

I have hard times figuring out what did I do wrong. Does this problem sound familiar to anybody? Many thanks in advance for your help.

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//                                                           ---------
// ------------------------------------------------------- // OPTIONS //
//                                                           ---------

General.Terminal    = 1;
Mesh.Algorithm      = 5; // 2D mesh algorithm (1=MeshAdapt, 5=Delaunay, 6=Frontal)
Mesh.Algorithm3D    = 1; // 3D mesh algorithm (1=Delaunay , 4=Frontal)
Mesh.Optimize       = 0;
Mesh.OptimizeNetgen = 0;

Include "../TOOLS/Mesh/make_cube.geo";

//                                                        ------------
// ---------------------------------------------------- // PARAMETERS //
//                                                        ------------

lx = 90.0;
ly = 60.0;
lz = 30.0;
e  = 10.0;

n  = 10.0;
m  = 10.0;

lm = e/n;
lM = (m-1)*lm;

Lx = lx+e;
Ly = ly+e;
Lz = lz+e;

//                                                              ------
// ---------------------------------------------------------- // MESH //
//                                                              ------

num_F  = 1;
num_SI = 0;

// ----------------------------------------------- // brick 1-1 //

xmin = 0;
xmax = lx/2;

ymin = 0;
ymax = ly/2;

zmin = 0;
zmax = lz/2;

cube_type = 1;

Call make_heterogeneous_cube;

Physical Volume ("brick1-1") = {V};

B11_P = P[];
B11_L = L[];
B11_S = S[];

M_SI[num_SI] = S[1]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = S[3]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = S[5]; num_SI++;

B1_F[0] = num_F-1;

// ----------------------------------------------- // brick 1-2 //

xmin = Lx-lx/2;
xmax = Lx;

ymin = 0;
ymax = ly/2;

zmin = 0;
zmax = lz/2;

cube_type = 2;

Call make_heterogeneous_cube;

Physical Volume ("brick1-2") = {V};

B12_P = P[];
B12_L = L[];
B12_S = S[];

M_SI[num_SI] = S[1]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = S[3]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = -S[4]; num_SI++;

B1_F[1] = num_F-1;

// ----------------------------------------------- // brick 1-3 //

xmin = 0;
xmax = lx/2;

ymin = Ly-ly/2;
ymax = Ly;

zmin = 0;
zmax = lz/2;

cube_type = 3;

Call make_heterogeneous_cube;

Physical Volume ("brick1-3") = {V};

B13_P = P[];
B13_L = L[];
B13_S = S[];

M_SI[num_SI] = S[1]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = -S[2]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = S[5]; num_SI++;

B1_F[2] = num_F-1;

// ----------------------------------------------- // brick 1-4 //

xmin = Lx-lx/2;
xmax = Lx;

ymin = Ly-ly/2;
ymax = Ly;

zmin = 0;
zmax = lz/2;

cube_type = 4;

Call make_heterogeneous_cube;

Physical Volume ("brick1-4") = {V};

B14_P = P[];
B14_L = L[];
B14_S = S[];

M_SI[num_SI] = S[1]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = -S[2]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = -S[4]; num_SI++;

B1_F[3] = num_F-1;

// ----------------------------------------------- // brick 1-5 //

xmin = 0;
xmax = lx/2;

ymin = 0;
ymax = ly/2;

zmin = Lz-lz/2;
zmax = Lz;

cube_type = 5;

Call make_heterogeneous_cube;

Physical Volume ("brick1-5") = {V};

B15_P = P[];
B15_L = L[];
B15_S = S[];

M_SI[num_SI] = -S[0]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = S[3]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = S[5]; num_SI++;

B1_F[4] = num_F-1;

// ----------------------------------------------- // brick 1-6 //

xmin = Lx-lx/2;
xmax = Lx;

ymin = 0;
ymax = ly/2;

zmin = Lz-lz/2;
zmax = Lz;

cube_type = 6;

Call make_heterogeneous_cube;

Physical Volume ("brick1-6") = {V};

B16_P = P[];
B16_L = L[];
B16_S = S[];

M_SI[num_SI] = -S[0]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = S[3]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = -S[4]; num_SI++;

B1_F[5] = num_F-1;

// ----------------------------------------------- // brick 1-7 //

xmin = 0;
xmax = lx/2;

ymin = Ly-ly/2;
ymax = Ly;

zmin = Lz-lz/2;
zmax = Lz;

cube_type = 7;

Call make_heterogeneous_cube;

Physical Volume ("brick1-7") = {V};

B17_P = P[];
B17_L = L[];
B17_S = S[];

M_SI[num_SI] = -S[0]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = -S[2]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = S[5]; num_SI++;

B1_F[6] = num_F-1;

// ----------------------------------------------- // brick 1-8 //

xmin = Lx-lx/2;
xmax = Lx;

ymin = Ly-ly/2;
ymax = Ly;

zmin = Lz-lz/2;
zmax = Lz;

cube_type = 8;

Call make_heterogeneous_cube;

Physical Volume ("brick1-8") = {V};

B18_P = P[];
B18_L = L[];
B18_S = S[];

M_SI[num_SI] = -S[0]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = -S[2]; num_SI++;
M_SI[num_SI] = -S[4]; num_SI++;

B1_F[7] = num_F-1;

// -------------------------------------------------- // mortar //

M_L00[0] =  B11_L[ 1];
M_L01[0] = -B11_L[ 5];
M_L02[0] = newl; Line (M_L02[0]) = {B11_P[1], B12_P[0]};
M_L03[0] =  B12_L[ 4];
M_L04[0] =  B12_L[ 1];
M_L05[0] = newl; Line (M_L05[0]) = {B12_P[3], B14_P[1]};
M_L06[0] = -B14_L[ 0];
M_L07[0] =  B14_L[ 4];
M_L08[0] = newl; Line (M_L08[0]) = {B14_P[2], B13_P[3]};
M_L09[0] = -B13_L[ 5];
M_L10[0] = -B13_L[ 0];
M_L11[0] = newl; Line (M_L11[0]) = {B13_P[0], B11_P[2]};

M_LL[0] = newll; Line Loop(M_LL[0]) = {M_L00[0], M_L01[0], M_L02[0], M_L03[0], M_L04[0], M_L05[0], M_L06[0], M_L07[0], M_L08[0], M_L09[0], M_L10[0], M_L11[0]};
M_SE[0] = news; Plane Surface (M_SE[0]) = {M_LL[0]};

M_L00[1] =  B15_L[ 3];
M_L01[1] = -B15_L[ 7];
M_L02[1] = newl; Line (M_L02[1]) = {B15_P[5], B16_P[4]};
M_L03[1] =  B16_L[ 6];
M_L04[1] =  B16_L[ 3];
M_L05[1] = newl; Line (M_L05[1]) = {B16_P[7], B18_P[5]};
M_L06[1] = -B18_L[ 2];
M_L07[1] =  B18_L[ 6];
M_L08[1] = newl; Line (M_L08[1]) = {B18_P[6], B17_P[7]};
M_L09[1] = -B17_L[ 7];
M_L10[1] = -B17_L[ 2];
M_L11[1] = newl; Line (M_L11[1]) = {B17_P[4], B15_P[6]};

M_LL[1] = newll; Line Loop(M_LL[1]) = {M_L00[1], M_L01[1], M_L02[1], M_L03[1], M_L04[1], M_L05[1], M_L06[1], M_L07[1], M_L08[1], M_L09[1], M_L10[1], M_L11[1]};
M_SE[1] = news; Plane Surface (M_SE[1]) = {M_LL[1]};

M_L00[2] =  B11_L[ 9];
M_L01[2] = -B11_L[ 2];
M_L02[2] = newl; Line (M_L02[2]) = {B11_P[4], B15_P[0]};
M_L03[2] =  B15_L[ 0];
M_L04[2] =  B15_L[ 9];
M_L05[2] = newl; Line (M_L05[2]) = {B15_P[5], B16_P[4]};
M_L06[2] = -B16_L[ 8];
M_L07[2] =  B16_L[ 0];
M_L08[2] = newl; Line (M_L08[2]) = {B16_P[1], B12_P[5]};
M_L09[2] = -B12_L[ 2];
M_L10[2] = -B12_L[ 8];
M_L11[2] = newl; Line (M_L11[2]) = {B12_P[0], B11_P[1]};

M_LL[2] = newll; Line Loop(M_LL[2]) = {M_L00[2], M_L01[2], M_L02[2], M_L03[2], M_L04[2], M_L05[2], M_L06[2], M_L07[2], M_L08[2], M_L09[2], M_L10[2], M_L11[2]};
M_SE[2] = news; Plane Surface (M_SE[2]) = {M_LL[2]};

M_L00[3] =  B13_L[11];
M_L01[3] = -B13_L[ 3];
M_L02[3] = newl; Line (M_L02[3]) = {B13_P[6], B17_P[2]};
M_L03[3] =  B17_L[ 1];
M_L04[3] =  B17_L[11];
M_L05[3] = newl; Line (M_L05[3]) = {B17_P[7], B18_P[6]};
M_L06[3] = -B18_L[10];
M_L07[3] =  B18_L[ 1];
M_L08[3] = newl; Line (M_L08[3]) = {B18_P[3], B14_P[7]};
M_L09[3] = -B14_L[ 3];
M_L10[3] = -B14_L[10];
M_L11[3] = newl; Line (M_L11[3]) = {B14_P[2], B13_P[3]};

M_LL[3] = newll; Line Loop(M_LL[3]) = {M_L00[3], M_L01[3], M_L02[3], M_L03[3], M_L04[3], M_L05[3], M_L06[3], M_L07[3], M_L08[3], M_L09[3], M_L10[3], M_L11[3]};
M_SE[3] = news; Plane Surface (M_SE[3]) = {M_LL[3]};

M_L00[4] =  B11_L[ 6];
M_L01[4] = -B11_L[10];
M_L02[4] = newl; Line (M_L02[4]) = {B11_P[2], B13_P[0]};
M_L03[4] =  B13_L[ 8];
M_L04[4] =  B13_L[ 6];
M_L05[4] = newl; Line (M_L05[4]) = {B13_P[6], B17_P[2]};
M_L06[4] = -B17_L[ 4];
M_L07[4] =  B17_L[ 8];
M_L08[4] = newl; Line (M_L08[4]) = {B17_P[4], B15_P[6]};
M_L09[4] = -B15_L[10];
M_L10[4] = -B15_L[ 4];
M_L11[4] = newl; Line (M_L11[4]) = {B15_P[0], B11_P[4]};

M_LL[4] = newll; Line Loop(M_LL[4]) = {M_L00[4], M_L01[4], M_L02[4], M_L03[4], M_L04[4], M_L05[4], M_L06[4], M_L07[4], M_L08[4], M_L09[4], M_L10[4], M_L11[4]};
M_SE[4] = news; Plane Surface (M_SE[4]) = {M_LL[4]};

M_L00[5] =  B12_L[ 7];
M_L01[5] = -B12_L[11];
M_L02[5] = newl; Line (M_L02[5]) = {B12_P[3], B14_P[1]};
M_L03[5] =  B14_L[ 9];
M_L04[5] =  B14_L[ 7];
M_L05[5] = newl; Line (M_L05[5]) = {B14_P[7], B18_P[3]};
M_L06[5] = -B18_L[ 5];
M_L07[5] =  B18_L[ 9];
M_L08[5] = newl; Line (M_L08[5]) = {B18_P[5], B16_P[7]};
M_L09[5] = -B16_L[11];
M_L10[5] = -B16_L[ 5];
M_L11[5] = newl; Line (M_L11[5]) = {B16_P[1], B12_P[5]};

M_LL[5] = newll; Line Loop(M_LL[5]) = {M_L00[5], M_L01[5], M_L02[5], M_L03[5], M_L04[5], M_L05[5], M_L06[5], M_L07[5], M_L08[5], M_L09[5], M_L10[5], M_L11[5]};
M_SE[5] = news; Plane Surface (M_SE[5]) = {M_LL[5]};

// Physical Surface ("mortar_SE") = {M_SE[0], -M_SE[1], M_SE[2], -M_SE[3], M_SE[4], -M_SE[5]};
// Physical Surface ("mortar_SI") = {M_SI[]};

M_SL = newsl; Surface Loop (M_SL) = {M_SE[0], -M_SE[1], M_SE[2], -M_SE[3], M_SE[4], -M_SE[5], M_SI[]};
Physical Surface ("mortar_SL") = {M_SE[0], -M_SE[1], M_SE[2], -M_SE[3], M_SE[4], -M_SE[5], M_SI[]};

M_V = newv; Volume(M_V) = {M_SL};
Physical Volume ("mortar") = {M_V};

// --------------------------------------------- // periodicity //

Periodic Surface M_SE[1] {M_L00[1], M_L01[1], M_L02[1], M_L03[1], M_L04[1], M_L05[1], M_L06[1], M_L07[1], M_L08[1], M_L09[1], M_L10[1], M_L11[1]} = M_SE[0] {M_L00[0], M_L01[0], M_L02[0], M_L03[0], M_L04[0], M_L05[0], M_L06[0], M_L07[0], M_L08[0], M_L09[0], M_L10[0], M_L11[0]};
Periodic Surface B15_S[1] {B15_L[ 2], B15_L[ 7], -B15_L[ 3], -B15_L[ 6]} = B11_S[0] {B11_L[ 0], B11_L[ 5], -B11_L[ 1], -B11_L[ 4]};
Periodic Surface B16_S[1] {B16_L[ 2], B16_L[ 7], -B16_L[ 3], -B16_L[ 6]} = B12_S[0] {B12_L[ 0], B12_L[ 5], -B12_L[ 1], -B12_L[ 4]};
Periodic Surface B17_S[1] {B17_L[ 2], B17_L[ 7], -B17_L[ 3], -B17_L[ 6]} = B13_S[0] {B13_L[ 0], B13_L[ 5], -B13_L[ 1], -B13_L[ 4]};
Periodic Surface B18_S[1] {B18_L[ 2], B18_L[ 7], -B18_L[ 3], -B18_L[ 6]} = B14_S[0] {B14_L[ 0], B14_L[ 5], -B14_L[ 1], -B14_L[ 4]};

Periodic Surface M_SE[3] {M_L00[3], M_L01[3], M_L02[3], M_L03[3], M_L04[3], M_L05[3], M_L06[3], M_L07[3], M_L08[3], M_L09[3], M_L10[3], M_L11[3]} = M_SE[2] {M_L00[2], M_L01[2], M_L02[2], M_L03[2], M_L04[2], M_L05[2], M_L06[2], M_L07[2], M_L08[2], M_L09[2], M_L10[2], M_L11[2]};
Periodic Surface B13_S[3] {B13_L[10], B13_L[ 3], -B13_L[11], -B13_L[ 1]} = B11_S[2] {B11_L[ 8], B11_L[ 2], -B11_L[ 9], -B11_L[ 0]};
Periodic Surface B14_S[3] {B14_L[10], B14_L[ 3], -B14_L[11], -B14_L[ 1]} = B12_S[2] {B12_L[ 8], B12_L[ 2], -B12_L[ 9], -B12_L[ 0]};
Periodic Surface B17_S[3] {B17_L[10], B17_L[ 3], -B17_L[11], -B17_L[ 1]} = B15_S[2] {B15_L[ 8], B15_L[ 2], -B15_L[ 9], -B15_L[ 0]};
Periodic Surface B18_S[3] {B18_L[10], B18_L[ 3], -B18_L[11], -B18_L[ 1]} = B16_S[2] {B16_L[ 8], B16_L[ 2], -B16_L[ 9], -B16_L[ 0]};

Periodic Surface M_SE[5] {M_L00[5], M_L01[5], M_L02[5], M_L03[5], M_L04[5], M_L05[5], M_L06[5], M_L07[5], M_L08[5], M_L09[5], M_L10[5], M_L11[5]} = M_SE[4] {M_L00[4], M_L01[4], M_L02[4], M_L03[4], M_L04[4], M_L05[4], M_L06[4], M_L07[4], M_L08[4], M_L09[4], M_L10[4], M_L11[4]};
Periodic Surface B12_S[5] {B12_L[ 5], B12_L[11], -B12_L[07], -B12_L[ 9]} = B11_S[4] {B11_L[ 4], B11_L[10], -B11_L[ 6], -B11_L[ 8]};
Periodic Surface B14_S[5] {B14_L[ 5], B14_L[11], -B14_L[07], -B14_L[ 9]} = B13_S[4] {B13_L[ 4], B13_L[10], -B13_L[ 6], -B13_L[ 8]};
Periodic Surface B16_S[5] {B16_L[ 5], B16_L[11], -B16_L[07], -B16_L[ 9]} = B15_S[4] {B15_L[ 4], B15_L[10], -B15_L[ 6], -B15_L[ 8]};
Periodic Surface B18_S[5] {B18_L[ 5], B18_L[11], -B18_L[07], -B18_L[ 9]} = B17_S[4] {B17_L[ 4], B17_L[10], -B17_L[ 6], -B17_L[ 8]};

// ------------------------------------------------- // density //

Field[num_F]   = MathEval;
Field[num_F].F = Sprintf("%g", lm);

Field[num_F]                                = Max;
Field[num_F].FieldsList                     = {num_F-1, B1_F[]};
Background Field                            = num_F;
Mesh.CharacteristicLengthExtendFromBoundary = 0;

// ------------------------------------------------------- // Scaling //

Mesh.ScalingFactor = 1.0;
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Function make_cube
    P[0] = newp; Point (P[0]) = {xmin, ymin, zmin, l};
    P[1] = newp; Point (P[1]) = {xmax, ymin, zmin, l};
    P[2] = newp; Point (P[2]) = {xmin, ymax, zmin, l};
    P[3] = newp; Point (P[3]) = {xmax, ymax, zmin, l};
    P[4] = newp; Point (P[4]) = {xmin, ymin, zmax, l};
    P[5] = newp; Point (P[5]) = {xmax, ymin, zmax, l};
    P[6] = newp; Point (P[6]) = {xmin, ymax, zmax, l};
    P[7] = newp; Point (P[7]) = {xmax, ymax, zmax, l};

    L[ 0] = newl; Line (L[ 0]) = {P[0], P[1]};
    L[ 1] = newl; Line (L[ 1]) = {P[2], P[3]};
    L[ 2] = newl; Line (L[ 2]) = {P[4], P[5]};
    L[ 3] = newl; Line (L[ 3]) = {P[6], P[7]};
    L[ 4] = newl; Line (L[ 4]) = {P[0], P[2]};
    L[ 5] = newl; Line (L[ 5]) = {P[1], P[3]};
    L[ 6] = newl; Line (L[ 6]) = {P[4], P[6]};
    L[ 7] = newl; Line (L[ 7]) = {P[5], P[7]};
    L[ 8] = newl; Line (L[ 8]) = {P[0], P[4]};
    L[ 9] = newl; Line (L[ 9]) = {P[1], P[5]};
    L[10] = newl; Line (L[10]) = {P[2], P[6]};
    L[11] = newl; Line (L[11]) = {P[3], P[7]};

    LL[0] = newll; Line Loop (LL[0]) = {L[ 0], L[ 5], -L[ 1], -L[ 4]};
    LL[1] = newll; Line Loop (LL[1]) = {L[ 2], L[ 7], -L[ 3], -L[ 6]};
    LL[2] = newll; Line Loop (LL[2]) = {L[ 8], L[ 2], -L[ 9], -L[ 0]};
    LL[3] = newll; Line Loop (LL[3]) = {L[10], L[ 3], -L[11], -L[ 1]};
    LL[4] = newll; Line Loop (LL[4]) = {L[ 4], L[10], -L[ 6], -L[ 8]};
    LL[5] = newll; Line Loop (LL[5]) = {L[ 5], L[11], -L[07], -L[ 9]};

    For k In {0:5}
        S[k] = news; Plane Surface (S[k]) = {LL[k]};

    SL = newsl; Surface Loop (SL) = {S[0], -S[1], S[2], -S[3], S[4], -S[5]};

    V = newv; Volume (V) = {SL};

Function make_heterogeneous_cube
    If (cube_type == 0)
        xc = (xmin + xmax)/2;
        yc = (ymin + ymax)/2;
        zc = (zmin + zmax)/2;
    If (cube_type == 1)
        xc = xmin; yc = ymin; zc = zmin;
    If (cube_type == 2)
        xc = xmax; yc = ymin; zc = zmin;
    If (cube_type == 3)
        xc = xmin; yc = ymax; zc = zmin;
    If (cube_type == 4)
        xc = xmax; yc = ymax; zc = zmin;
    If (cube_type == 5)
        xc = xmin; yc = ymin; zc = zmax;
    If (cube_type == 6)
        xc = xmax; yc = ymin; zc = zmax;
    If (cube_type == 7)
        xc = xmin; yc = ymax; zc = zmax;
    If (cube_type == 8)
        xc = xmax; yc = ymax; zc = zmax;

    If (cube_type == 0)
        dx = (xmax - xmin)/2;
        dy = (ymax - ymin)/2;
        dz = (zmax - zmin)/2;
    If (cube_type > 0)
        dx = xmax - xmin;
        dy = ymax - ymin;
        dz = zmax - zmin;

    Field[num_F]   = MathEval;
    Field[num_F].F = Sprintf("Fabs(x - %g) / %g", xc, dx);

    Field[num_F]   = MathEval;
    Field[num_F].F = Sprintf("Fabs(y - %g) / %g", yc, dy);

    Field[num_F]   = MathEval;
    Field[num_F].F = Sprintf("Fabs(z - %g) / %g", zc, dz);

    Field[num_F]            = Max;
    Field[num_F].FieldsList = {num_F-3, num_F-2, num_F-1};

    Field[num_F]   = MathEval;
    Field[num_F].F = Sprintf("%g + %g * (1. - F%g)", lm, lM, num_F-1);

    P[0] = newp; Point (P[0]) = {xmin, ymin, zmin};
    P[1] = newp; Point (P[1]) = {xmax, ymin, zmin};
    P[2] = newp; Point (P[2]) = {xmin, ymax, zmin};
    P[3] = newp; Point (P[3]) = {xmax, ymax, zmin};
    P[4] = newp; Point (P[4]) = {xmin, ymin, zmax};
    P[5] = newp; Point (P[5]) = {xmax, ymin, zmax};
    P[6] = newp; Point (P[6]) = {xmin, ymax, zmax};
    P[7] = newp; Point (P[7]) = {xmax, ymax, zmax};

    L[ 0] = newl; Line (L[ 0]) = {P[0], P[1]};
    L[ 1] = newl; Line (L[ 1]) = {P[2], P[3]};
    L[ 2] = newl; Line (L[ 2]) = {P[4], P[5]};
    L[ 3] = newl; Line (L[ 3]) = {P[6], P[7]};
    L[ 4] = newl; Line (L[ 4]) = {P[0], P[2]};
    L[ 5] = newl; Line (L[ 5]) = {P[1], P[3]};
    L[ 6] = newl; Line (L[ 6]) = {P[4], P[6]};
    L[ 7] = newl; Line (L[ 7]) = {P[5], P[7]};
    L[ 8] = newl; Line (L[ 8]) = {P[0], P[4]};
    L[ 9] = newl; Line (L[ 9]) = {P[1], P[5]};
    L[10] = newl; Line (L[10]) = {P[2], P[6]};
    L[11] = newl; Line (L[11]) = {P[3], P[7]};

    LL[0] = newll; Line Loop (LL[0]) = {L[ 0], L[ 5], -L[ 1], -L[ 4]};
    LL[1] = newll; Line Loop (LL[1]) = {L[ 2], L[ 7], -L[ 3], -L[ 6]};
    LL[2] = newll; Line Loop (LL[2]) = {L[ 8], L[ 2], -L[ 9], -L[ 0]};
    LL[3] = newll; Line Loop (LL[3]) = {L[10], L[ 3], -L[11], -L[ 1]};
    LL[4] = newll; Line Loop (LL[4]) = {L[ 4], L[10], -L[ 6], -L[ 8]};
    LL[5] = newll; Line Loop (LL[5]) = {L[ 5], L[11], -L[07], -L[ 9]};

    For k In {0:5}
        S[k] = news; Plane Surface (S[k]) = {LL[k]};

    SL = newsl; Surface Loop (SL) = {S[0], -S[1], S[2], -S[3], S[4], -S[5]};

    V = newv; Volume (V) = {SL};

Function set_periodic_conditions
    Periodic Surface S[1] {L[ 2], L[ 7], -L[ 3], -L[ 6]} = S[0] {L[ 0], L[ 5], -L[ 1], -L[ 4]};
    Periodic Surface S[3] {L[10], L[ 3], -L[11], -L[ 1]} = S[2] {L[ 8], L[ 2], -L[ 9], -L[ 0]};
    Periodic Surface S[5] {L[ 5], L[11], -L[07], -L[ 9]} = S[4] {L[ 4], L[10], -L[ 6], -L[ 8]};

Function make_periodic_cube
    Call make_cube;
    Call set_periodic_conditions;

Function make_periodic_heterogeneous_cube
    Call make_heterogeneous_cube;
    Call set_periodic_conditions;