[Gmsh] Reclassify 2D does not work

Martin Vymazal martin.vymazal at vki.ac.be
Thu Apr 4 11:36:55 CEST 2013

Dear gmsh developers,

 I have a 3D flat plate grid  downloaded from here: 
http://turbmodels.larc.nasa.gov/flatplate_grids.html (3D Plot3d grid, 2 x 545 
x 385 points). I converted the grid to vtk and also split the hexahedra into 
tetra using paraview. I am not able to reclassify the surface of the geometry 
to create physical surfaces (to be able to set boundary conditions for my flow 
solver). The 'Reclassify' button in the Reclassify2D dialog always remains 
greyed out, no matter what I do. Is it a bug? If not, could you please tell me 
the settings you use to reclassify the surface?

 Best regards,

   Martin Vymazal
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