[Gmsh] Refinement in a box region

Johannes Theron jantheron at hotmail.com
Wed May 1 10:25:27 CEST 2013

Good morning!

I am meshing a canoe hull inside a box to use in an OpenFoam simulation and
want to refine the water-air interface region. I first import an msh file
created by importing an STL file, then reclassifying and re-saving the
resulting new surface. These surfaces are then subtracted from the
simulation box with the goal of meshing the region outside the hull. I
looked at various posts and decided on using the Field functionality, but my
approach seems to not be working. Can anyone point to an obvious problem?

Jan Theron

Dr. Johannes N. Theron

Borsteler Chaussee 85-99A, Haus 9
22453 Hamburg
Tel: +49 176-877-57828

Mesh.Algorithm3D = 1;  //1=delaunay and 4=frontal
Geometry.Tolerance = 1.e-12;

Surface Loop(300)={2,3,4};

minX = -2.6;
maxX =  2.6;
minY = -1;
maxY =   1;
minZ = -.5;
maxZ =  0.6;

IFc  = 0.125;  // Interface
WLt  = 0.05;   // Half thickness of interface layer

pt = 0.05;

Field[1] = Box;
Field[1].VIn =  pt/10;
Field[1].VOut = pt*2;
Field[1].XMin = minX;
Field[1].XMax = maxX;
Field[1].YMin = minY;
Field[1].YMax = maxY;
Field[1].ZMin = IFc-WLt;
Field[1].ZMax = IFc+WLt;

BackgroundField = pt;

p1=newp; Point(p1) = {minX, minY, minZ, pt};
p2=newp; Point(p2) = {maxX, minY, minZ, pt};
p3=newp; Point(p3) = {maxX, maxY, minZ, pt};
p4=newp; Point(p4) = {minX, maxY, minZ, pt};
p5=newp; Point(p5) = {minX, maxY, maxZ, pt};
p6=newp; Point(p6) = {maxX, maxY, maxZ, pt};
p7=newp; Point(p7) = {maxX, minY, maxZ, pt};
p8=newp; Point(p8) = {minX, minY, maxZ, pt};
k2=newreg; Line(k2) = {p5, p8};
k3=newreg; Line(k3) = {p8, p1};
k4=newreg; Line(k4) = {p1, p4};
k5=newreg; Line(k5) = {p4, p5};
k6=newreg; Line(k6) = {p6, p7};
k7=newreg; Line(k7) = {p7, p2};
k8=newreg; Line(k8) = {p2, p3};
k9=newreg; Line(k9) = {p3, p6};
k10=newreg; Line(k10) = {p5, p6};
k11=newreg; Line(k11) = {p4, p3};
k12=newreg; Line(k12) = {p8, p7};
k13=newreg; Line(k13) = {p1, p2};
ll14=newreg; Line Loop(ll14) = {k2, k3, k4, k5};
Plane Surface(15) = {ll14};
ll16=newreg; Line Loop(ll16) = {k10, -k9, -k11, k5};
Plane Surface(17) = {ll16};
ll18=newreg; Line Loop(ll18) = {k12, k7, -k13, -k3};
Plane Surface(19) = {ll18};
ll20=newreg; Line Loop(ll20) = {k6, k7, k8, k9};
Plane Surface(21) = {ll20};
ll22=newreg; Line Loop(ll22) = {k11, -k8, -k13, k4};
Plane Surface(23) = {ll22};
ll24=newreg; Line Loop(ll24) = {k2, k12, -k6, -k10};
Plane Surface(25) = {ll24};
Surface Loop(26) = {15, 25, 19, 21, 23, 17};

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