[Gmsh] making physical surfaces over a stl surface

Madehkhaksar, F. (Forough) F.Madehkhaksar at uu.nl
Fri Jun 21 12:45:17 CEST 2013

Hello all,

I faced a problem with work with stl formats. I need to make volume mesh and import it in a FEM solver. I can do it by merge stl file and define a volume and then make 3D meshing. but after importing in FEM solver I don't have access to physical information of surfaces and volumes. I need to have my part not only as a physical object also as a set of physical faces (surfaces). I mean I need to chose specific surfaces (face of a volume element that belongs to surface of object) to apply boundary conditions, but my object has an overall surface.
attachments are stl information and my effort to make a physical object with volume meshes. but still I don't have access to the surfaces that define the volume. How can I define physical surfaces on my object?
It is very kind of you if help me with this problem.

Best regards,

Forough MadehKhaksar, Ph.D. Researcher
Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University
Games and Virtual Worlds research group
Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC Utrecht, The Netherlands
E-mail: F.Madehkhaksar at uu.nl
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