[Gmsh] compilation errors when CGNS support enabled

oguz.emre at laposte.net oguz.emre at laposte.net
Wed Feb 11 16:18:44 CET 2015

Dear gmsh developers, 

I am looking for building a 2.8.6 gmsh version with the cgns option enabled. And, the operating system which I am working on for doing it is Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS 32-bit. 
In order to activate "cgns" option and to specify the location of the library "hdf5", I entered the following command line from the "./build" folder I created: 

-> cmake -DENABLE_CGNS=1 -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/oe/Documents/hdf5-1.8.14-linux-centos5-i386-gcc412-shared .. 

As observed in CMakeCache.txt (enclosed file), the cgns option is successfully taken into account. 
Yet I encountered numerous compilation errors in the file "GModelIO_CGNS.cpp". 

The last discussion about this topic through gmsh mailing list dates from the fourth of april 2014, as I noticed. The conclusion was that the CGNS support should be updated/rewritten if I am not mistaken? So my question is twofold: 

1. Is the current implementation of CGNS support is still under development and not usable for instance or am I doing something wrong during the compilation ? 
2. For a geometry created and meshed through gmsh, are there any possibilities/ known utilities for making a conversion to the .cgns extension? 

Thanks in advance for any helps and responses you can provide me about this issue. 
Kind regards, 

Oguz E. 

PS/ Enclosed, please find .log files and CMakeCache.txt. I would be pleased to provide more information about my issue if it is needed. 

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