[Gmsh] gmsh Digest, Vol 148, Issue 12 (Create prismatic layer around imported *.stl file; Kate Eisenhower)
mlook at me.com
Tue May 26 11:32:14 CEST 2015
Hello again,
I am still struggling with it and would be very glad if someone gave me some hints or commets for this.
Have a nice day,
> Am 19.05.2015 um 07:53 schrieb look <mlook at me.com>:
> Hello everybody,
> I hope it works now.
> I have attatched a stripped down case of the problem. You will find the *.geo file as well as the *.stl file in the compressed folder. Your remark seems to imply I need to get the id number of the faces I want to extrude directly from my *.stl file. Are the faces consecutively numbered? I guess not, because gmsh doesn’t accept identification numbers like 0, 1, 2 or 3. I think the problem is I just do not know how to “activate“ my stl in gmsh.
> Best regards,
> Kate
> <geometry.zip>
> p.s.: Frankly, I don’t really know to which mail address I should send my replies to.
>>> Am 14.05.2015 um 10:14 schrieb look <mlook at me.com <mailto:mlook at me.com>>:
>>> I have attatched a stripped down case of the problem. You will find the *.geo file as well as the *.stl file in the compressed folder. Your remark seems to imply I need to get the id number of the faces I want to extrude directly from my *.stl file. Are the faces consecutively numbered? I guess not, because gmsh doesn’t accept identification numbers like 0, 1, 2 or 3. I think the problem is I just do not know how to “activate“ my stl in gmsh.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Kate
>>> <geometry.zip>
>>>> Message: 2
>>>> Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 12:50:53 +0000
>>>> From: Theler German Guillermo <gtheler at cites-gss.com <mailto:gtheler at cites-gss.com>>
>>>> To: "gmsh at geuz.org <mailto:gmsh at geuz.org>" <gmsh at geuz.org <mailto:gmsh at geuz.org>>
>>>> Subject: Re: [Gmsh] Create prismatic layer around imported *.stl file
>>>> Message-ID: <1431521377.2707.11.camel at cites-gss.com <mailto:1431521377.2707.11.camel at cites-gss.com>>
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>>> Can you attach the stl you are merging?
>>>> It seems that you are trying to extrude a physical entity rather than a
>>>> geometrical one (the surface number in extrude should refer to the
>>>> number of the surface within the stl, not the physical surface you
>>>> created in the .geo).
>>>> --
>>>> Germ?n Theler :: CTO Eng & IT
>>>> CITES ? Centro de Innovaci?n Tecnol?gica Empresarial y Social S.A.
>>>> Direcci?n General Sancor Seguros
>>>> Grupo Sancor Seguros
>>>> tel +54 3493 ?428 500 ? Int.: 3374
>>>> gtheler at cites-gss.com <mailto:gtheler at cites-gss.com>
>>>> www.cites-gss.com <http://www.cites-gss.com/> - www.gruposancorseguros.com <http://www.gruposancorseguros.com/>
>>>> On Tue, 2015-05-12 at 08:31 +0200, look wrote:
>>>>> Hello everybody,
>>>>> I am new to this list and hope it is okay to start with a question.
>>>>> I have already imported a *.stl file using the Merge option and am now struggling to create a prismatic layer around it. As far as I now, it can be done with the
>>>>> Extrude{Surface{surface_number};Layers{{number_of_layers},{height_of_the_layer}};}
>>>>> command. Therefore, I first have to define a surface on my stl-geometry in order to refer to it. When I try to assign a elementary ruled surface, nothing happens (I can?t even highlight a surface). When I try to assign a physical surface, gmsh seems to accept it. At least the surface appears in the *.geo file. When I want to extrude the newly created surface, gmsh complains about an unknown surface 5.
>>>>> My whole *.geo file looks like the following:
>>>>> Merge ?mygeometry.stl";
>>>>> Physical Surface(5) = {2};
>>>>> Extrude{Surface{5};Layers{{10},{0.5}};};
>>>>> I would really appreciate any advice. Thanks a lot in advance,
>>>>> Kate
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