[Gmsh] How to control the quality of 3D tetrahedral mesh during creation ?

Prithivirajan V prithivi.purdue at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 03:30:17 CET 2018

Dear Gmsh users,

I am using Gmsh to convert a bunch of .STL files to a 3D volume mesh (
tetrahedral) using the following set of 4 commands.

1.  *Merge *command for all the stl files I have ( showing just one below)

Merge "Path\Grain_1.stl";
Surface Loop(1)={1};
Physical Volume (1)={1};

2.  Path\gmsh.exe -3 -order 1 optimize out_temp.geo > meshing.log
(out_temp.geo contains the merge command and others for all stl files as
shown in 1)

3. Path\gmsh.exe -0 -o out_temp.msh out.geo >> meshing.log

4. Path\gmsh.exe out_temp.msh -0 -o ABAQUS.inp

The issue is that I am getting 3 % bad elements in my volume mesh. I am
using the mesh qiality metric defined by circumsphere radius / insphere

How do I improve the quality of my final 3D volume mesh ? Could anyone
offer your advise in this ?

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