[Gmsh] segfaults on linux but not windows with SDK

Julien Hess julien.hess.ch at gmail.com
Thu Mar 14 17:49:25 CET 2019

Hello Max and Christophe,

I just encountered the same problem with the latest version 4.2.2 of the 
SDK. The regular header works just fine on Ubuntu with GCC 4, but the 
approach with the cwrap and gmshc.h to make it work with GCC 5 still 
causes a segfault when calling gmsh::initialize(). Do you remember what 
the issue with the cwrap header was? Is there a way to fix or bypass 
that issue?

Thanks for any help!


/On 27 Jul 2018, at 15:02, Max Orok <morok at mevex.com 
<http://onelab.info/mailman/listinfo/gmsh>> wrote: /Yes, there was an issue with the cwrap header but the regular header was
fine after all.
Sorry for the trouble!

Max Orok

On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 1:58 AM, Christophe Geuzaine <cgeuzaine at uliege.be  <http://onelab.info/mailman/listinfo/gmsh>>

>//>//>/On 10 Jul 2018, at 17:32, Max Orok <morok at mevex.com 
<http://onelab.info/mailman/listinfo/gmsh>> wrote: />//>/Hello all, />//>/Sorry for the newbie question. I have some C++ code that has successfully />/built and ran using the windows gmsh SDK but which causes a segfault on />/ubuntu when trying to call gmsh::initialize(). I have tried the basic gmsh />/C++ header and .so files, using the cwrap and gmshc.h version of the gmsh />/header file, defining the ABI number for g++ as 0, (and 1 just for kicks), />/and finally recompiling the .so from source with the same compiler as the />/other code, all to no avail. Is there anything further I can try apart 
from />/wrestling with gdb? />//>//>/Did you fix the issue ? />//>/CG />//>//>/Thanks for your time, />/Max Orok />/_______________________________________________ />/gmsh mailing list />/gmsh at onelab.info <http://onelab.info/mailman/listinfo/gmsh> />/http://onelab.info/mailman/listinfo/gmsh />//>//>/— />/Prof. Christophe Geuzaine />/University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science />/http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~geuzaine />//>/Free software: http://gmsh.info <http://gmsh.info/> | http://getdp.info 
<http://getdp.info/> | http://onelab.info <http://onelab.info/> />//>

Max Orok
Summer Student

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