
Revision as of 07:27, 28 September 2015 by Geuzaine (talk | contribs) (Installing new models)

Revision as of 07:27, 28 September 2015 by Geuzaine (talk | contribs) (Installing new models)

Onelab/Mobile is available for iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android:

Onelab/Mobile contains Gmsh and GetDP and runs all computations locally on your mobile device.


Running pre-packaged models

A list of available models appears when you launch Onelab/Mobile. Selecting a model will load it. You can then select Run to launch a simulation with the default set of parameters. To change parameters, select Parameters.

Installing new models

To install a new model:

  1. Put all the model files (.pro, .geo) in a directory, which should also contain a file named infos.xml with the model information: <syntaxhighlight lang="xml"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <models> <model> <title>Your model title</title> <summary>Your model summary</summary> <file type="pro"></file> <preview type="png">your_128x128_pixel_screenshot.png</preview> <url></url> </model> </models> </syntaxhighlight> (See e.g. Inductor or Waveguides.)
  2. Zip the directory.
  3. Open the .zip file on your device (e.g. through iCloud, Dropbox or Google Drive; or by putting it on a web server and downloading the file on the device with Safari or Chrome).

The new models will be extracted alongside the app's built-in models.

To remove a model, long-press on its description and choose Remove model.

Installing beta versions of Onelab/Mobile

Please send an email to if you want to become a Onelab/Mobile beta-tester.

Compiling Onelab/Mobile

The Onelab/Mobile source code is available in the contrib/mobile directory of the Gmsh source code repository {{#tip-info: Login and password: gmsh}}. Build scripts are provided for iOS (requires a Mac with Xcode >= 6) and Android (requires Android SDK >= 14 and the Android NDK).