[Getdp] Academic Waves in Gitlab repository

Chris Fadden czf41 at psu.edu
Sun Oct 28 16:04:45 CET 2018

Hello all,

     I was wondering if anyone still has the 
"form_scalarWaveEqn_time.pro" file?  I am very interested for using 
ONELAB for the simulation of acoustic and electromagnetic waves, and I 
found the Gitlab repository with academic examples: 
This file is almost exactly what I want, a wave equation with initial 
conditions, and I'd like to solve it using the Euler coupled equation 
formulation.  However, these files seem to be for a previous version of 
the repository, as form_scalarWaveEqn_time.pro is no longer in the 
repo.  I have tried to modify the existing formulations_scalarWaves.pro 
file, and I was able to have it run without ONELAB errors, although the 
solution appears to be unstable.  Any assistance you can provide would 
be extremely helpful, and I thank you for your time.


Chris Fadden

Chris Fadden
Penn State Electrical Engineering Ph.D

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