about source code of Gmsh

Christophe Geuzaine Christophe.Geuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Wed Jan 27 18:01:20 CET 1999

xiangdong lou wrote:
> Dear Dr. Geuzaine,
> My name is Xiangdong Lou, a graduate student in computer science
> department in the University of Nebraska, Lincoln (UNL), USA. Currently,
> I am doing a project of building a pre-processor (possibly also
> post-processor)  for FEM/BEM method for Dr. Rizos in civil engineering
> department, UNL (http://www.engext.unl.edu/CE/Profiles/Rizos.html). This
> project is oriented for research and education use. It  is going to be
> implemented in VC 5.0 under WIN 95 environment. I found your
> implementation of Gmesh is interesting and maybe I can save a lot of
> time if I can build our system using Gmsh as a run time library or just
> by enhance the Gmsh. I sent an email to Dr. Remacle two days ago. But
> there is no response. So I am trying your end.  I want to get the source
> code in order to decide if I should go with Gmsh or some other available
> public domain mesh generators. I am here asking your the possibility of
> get your source code of Gmsh? and how?
> Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you,
> Xiangdong Lou

Since the code is evolving very rapidly (the geometric database is under
complete rewriting), we prefer not to give the sources away for the
moment. It will perhaps be the case in the future, but we'll first have
to find an agreement for the type of license (GNU or not GNU, etc.). 

What kind of new functionalities would you like to implement in the
software ?

Best regards,

Christophe Geuzaine         ICQ #28266120

Tel: +32-(0)4-366.37.10     mailto:Christophe.Geuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Fax: +32-(0)4-366.29.10     http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~geuzaine