[Gmsh] Re: gmsh

Christophe Geuzaine geuzaine at acm.caltech.edu
Wed Feb 26 20:17:52 CET 2003

Rony Touma wrote:
> Is it possible to add a text or a legend to a two or three dimensional
> graphic, grid (*.geo file) before saving it in an *.jpg or *.ps format?

Yes, you can create a post-processing view containing "2D" or "3D"
strings ("2D" strings are positioned in window coordinates, while "3D"
strings are positioned in the model coordinates). For example,

View "comments" {
  T2(10,15,0){"File created on Fri Oct 18 23:50:20 2002"};
  T2(10,-10,0){"Copyright (C) DGR"};
  T3(0.1,12.5,-5,0){"Hello, world!"};

will put the strings

- "File ..." 10 pixels from the left and 15 pixels from the top of the
graphic window;
- "Copyright ..." 10 pixels from the left and 10 pixels from the bottom
of the graphic window; and
- "Hello ..." in your model, at (x,y,z)=(0.1,12.5,-5).

There is unfortunately no way to change the font or the color of these
strings at the moment. You can change the font size globally using the
"General.GraphicsFontSize" option.

> how can i highlight points curves etc...? or is it possible to plot
> curves or lines using different colors?

At the moment geometry colors are global per entity type (all curves
have the same color, etc.), but you can specify a different color for
each curve/surface in the mesh. For example, add

Color White{ Surface{ 22 } ; }
Color Purple{ Surface{ 24 } ; }
Color Red{ Line{ 1:14 } ; }
Color Yellow{ Line{ 15:20 } ; }

at the end of tutorial/t4.geo and check the resulting mesh.


Christophe Geuzaine

Tel: (626) 395-4552    http://www.geuz.org
Fax: (626) 578-0124    mailto:geuzaine at acm.caltech.edu