[Gmsh] Creating Streamlines with gmsh

Sebastian Lehmann Sebastian.Lehmann at uni-bayreuth.de
Wed Sep 2 12:56:34 CEST 2009

Dear Sirs and Madams,

we tried the gmsh-version 2.4 for windows to simulate the magnetic field 
between magnetic spheres. From that we get a vector view of the H-field 
(see appendix). But unfortunately we are not able to change this view 
into a streamline view. The only thing we get is a grid of points, which 
are the choosen points in the plugin-window. The hint to use the 
(http://www.geuz.org/pipermail/gmsh/2004/001150.html)  also didn't 
change anything.

I would be glad if you can offer help in this problem.

Sincerley yours
Sebastian Lehmann
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