[Gmsh] what is wrong with this file?

Umut Tabak u.tabak at tudelft.nl
Tue Feb 28 14:05:53 CET 2012

Dear all,

Could someone take a look at the attached mesh file and tell me where my 
mistake is?

This is a mesh exported from commercial code ANSYS modelled with 10 node 
tetrahedral elements.

I checked that the connectivity and the other info seems to be exported 
correctly but I am still missing sth in the export I guess since the 
mesh is messed up in my output file and you can explicitly see this in 
the mesh representation in gmsh.

ANSYS 187 solid element seems to confirming with element type 11 in gmsh 
I guess, so this is first point to check and correct me if I am wrong. I 
also attached the element definition in ansys for tetrahedral element. 
Node order is given as, directly from the manual, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, 
P, Q, R.

I am pretty sure I am missing sth easy still.

I spent some time but could not point out the source of the problem.
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