[Gmsh] GMSH.exe(2.50) RUN time Error after Building with OpenCascade6.5.2 using VisualC++(2008 Visual Express)
1948 super
super1948 at gmail.com
Fri May 4 09:08:08 CEST 2012
Dear GMSH Developer,
I have been troubled on the Gmsh.exe(2.5) Run Time error after Building
using Visual C++(2008 Visual C++ Express) about one month.
I got the error Message "The application failed to initialize properly
When I tried to excute GMSH.exe(2.50) .
I built using Visual C++(2008 Visual Express) with gmsh version stable
source(version 2.50) and linked with OpenCascade6.5.2
libraly such as TKSTEP.lib.. etc.
First, I tried to excute GMSH.exe on my Windows Xp,
I got the Warnning message " TKSTEP.dll is needed to run".
So ,I took TKSTEP.dll from c:\OpenCascades6.5.2 \ros\win32\vc8\bin.
and I tried to run GMSH.exe, I got the error message "The application
failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002)" .
Would you please give me any information to resolve this trouble ?
Regards ,