[Gmsh] Build API Demo Linking Static Libraries

Christophe Geuzaine geuzaine at gmail.com
Tue May 1 09:14:15 CEST 2018

> On 16 Apr 2018, at 20:16, Su Tian <tian50 at purdue.edu> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I want to test the OCC and API capabilities using the demo ‘boolean’. I have built OCC and Gmsh into static libraries. When preparing the CMake file for building ‘boolean.exe’, do I need to link all OCC libraries explicitly? (libTK*.a) Do I even need to link all those static libraries required for building the OCC libraries? (freetype and tcltk)

Yes, if you build static libraries you'll have to link them in the final binary at the end.

To avoid all these issues we have started producing binary software development kits (SDKs): cf. the *sdk* files in http://gmsh.info/bin 

This should make it much easier to develop your own app using Gmsh, as the provided dynamic Gmsh lib contains all the dependencies (OpenCASCADE, FLTK, PETSc, etc.).

Since yesterday these SDKs even provide an alternate C++ interface (cf. the README in the SDK), which allows you to use the C++ API even if your C++ compiler (e.g. Microsoft Visual C++) is not ABI-compatible with ours (Mingw GCC).


> Thank you.
> Su
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