Any C++ solver can be become a native ONELAB client.
Getting started
- Download and uncompress a recent version of Gmsh, or the ONELAB bundle for Windows (32 bit), Linux (32 bit) or MacOS.
- Download the C++ solver pend.cpp (as well as onelab.h and GmshSocket.h).
- Compile pend.cpp, e.g. using g++ pend.cpp -o pend.exe (using the .exe extension will allow Gmsh to recognize that this is an executable)
- Double-click on the Gmsh executable (gmsh.exe Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destinationon Windows).
- Load the C++ solver (pend.exe file) through the File/Open menu.
- Click on Run.
- ... that's it!
How does it work?
You need two header files in order to compile a native C++ client: onelab.h and GmshSocket.h.
The following example, which implements a simple solver for the double pendulum problem, introduces the main features of the C++ interface. (A Python version of this solver is also available.)// 1) compile with "g++ pend.cpp -o pend.exe" // 2) launch "gmsh pend.exe" #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "onelab.h" void exportMsh(const std::string &path, double le1, double le2) { FILE *mshFile = fopen((path + "pend.msh").c_str(),"w"); if(!mshFile) return; fprintf(mshFile, "$MeshFormat\n2.2 0 8\n$EndMeshFormat\n"); fprintf(mshFile, "$Nodes\n3\n1 0 0 0\n2 0 %f 0\n3 0 %f 0\n$EndNodes\n", -le1, -le1-le2); fprintf(mshFile, "$Elements\n3\n1 1 2 0 1 1 2\n2 1 2 0 1 2 3\n3 15 2 0 2 3\n" "$EndElements\n"); fclose(mshFile); } void exportMshOpt(const std::string &path) { FILE *optFile = fopen((path + "pend.msh.opt").c_str(), "w"); if(!optFile) return; fprintf(optFile, "n = PostProcessing.NbViews - 1;\n"); fprintf(optFile, "If(n >= 0)\nView[n].ShowScale = 0;\nView[n].VectorType = 5;\n"); fprintf(optFile, "View[n].ExternalView = 0;\nView[n].DisplacementFactor = 1 ;\n"); fprintf(optFile, "View[n].PointType = 1;\nView[n].PointSize = 5;\n"); fprintf(optFile, "View[n].LineWidth = 2;\nEndIf\n"); fclose(optFile); } void exportIter(const std::string &path, int iter, double t, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { FILE *mshFile = fopen((path + "pend.msh").c_str(), "a"); if(!mshFile) return; fprintf(mshFile, "$NodeData\n1\n\"motion\"\n1\n\t%f\n3\n\t%d\n3\n", t, iter); fprintf(mshFile, "\t3\n\t1 0 0 0\n\t2 %f %f 0\n\t3 %f %f 0\n$EndNodeData\n", x1, y1, x2, y2); fclose(mshFile); } double defineNumber(onelab::client *c, const std::string &name, double value, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &attributes) { std::vector<onelab::number> ns; c->get(ns, name); if(ns.empty()){ // define new parameter onelab::number n(name, value); if(attributes.size()) n.setAttributes(attributes); c->set(n); return value; } // return value from server return ns[0].getValue(); } void setNumber(onelab::client *c, const std::string &name, double value, double min=0, double max=0, bool visible=true) { onelab::number n(name, value); n.setMin(min); n.setMax(max); n.setVisible(visible); c->set(n); } void addNumberChoice(onelab::client *c, const std::string &name, double choice) { std::vector<onelab::number> ns; c->get(ns, name); if(ns.size()){ std::vector<double> choices = ns[0].getChoices(); choices.push_back(choice); ns[0].setChoices(choices); c->set(ns[0]); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string name, address; for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++){ if(std::string(argv[i]) == "-onelab" && i + 2 < argc){ name = std::string(argv[i + 1]); address = std::string(argv[i + 2]); } } if(name.empty() || address.empty()) return 1; onelab::remoteNetworkClient *c = new onelab::remoteNetworkClient(name, address); std::string action; std::vector<onelab::string> ns; c->get(ns, name + "/Action"); if(ns.size()) action = ns[0].getValue(); std::string path(argv[0]); int islash = (int)path.find_last_of("/\\"); if(islash > 0) path = path.substr(0, islash + 1); else path = ""; double g = 9.8; // acceleration of gravity double m = 0.3; // mass of pendulum balls std::map<std::string, std::string> attr; double l = defineNumber(c, "Geom/arm length [m]", 1.0, attr); double time = defineNumber(c, "Dyna/time [s]", 0., attr); double dt = defineNumber(c, "Dyna/time step [s]", 0.001, attr); double tmax = defineNumber(c, "Dyna/max time [s]", 20, attr); double refresh = defineNumber(c, "Dyna/refresh interval [s]", 0.05, attr); attr["Highlight"] = "Pink"; double theta0 = defineNumber(c, "Init/initial theta angle [deg]", 10, attr); double phi0 = defineNumber(c, "Init/initial phi angle [deg]", 180, attr); // we're done if we are not in the compute phase if(action != "compute"){ delete c; return 0; } double l1 = l; double l2 = l; double m1 = m; double m2 = m; double theta = theta0 / 180.*M_PI; double phi = phi0 / 180.*M_PI; double theta_dot = 0.0; double phi_dot = 0.0; double refr = 0.0; int iter = 0; time = 0.0; while (time < tmax){ double delta = phi - theta; double sdelta = sin(delta); double cdelta = cos(delta); double theta_dot_dot = ( m2*l1*(theta_dot*theta_dot)*sdelta*cdelta + m2*g*sin(phi)*cdelta + m2*l2*(phi_dot*phi_dot)*sdelta - (m1+m2)*g*sin(theta) ); theta_dot_dot /= ( (m1+m2)*l1 - m2*l1*(cdelta*cdelta) ); double phi_dot_dot = ( -m2*l2*(phi_dot*phi_dot)*sdelta*cdelta + (m1+m2)*(g*sin(theta)*cdelta - l1*(theta_dot*theta_dot)*sdelta - g*sin(phi)) ); phi_dot_dot /= ( (m1+m2)*l2 - m2*l2*(cdelta*cdelta) ); double theta_dot = theta_dot + theta_dot_dot*dt; double phi_dot = phi_dot + phi_dot_dot*dt; theta = theta + theta_dot*dt; phi = phi + phi_dot*dt; double x1 = l1*sin(theta); double y1 = -l1*cos(theta); double x2 = l1*sin(theta) + l2*sin(phi); double y2 = -l1*cos(theta) - l2*cos(phi); time += dt; refr += dt; exportMshOpt(path); if(refr >= refresh){ refr = 0; setNumber(c, name + "/Progress", time, 0, tmax, false); setNumber(c, "Dyna/time [s]", time); setNumber(c, "Solu/phi", phi); addNumberChoice(c, "Solu/phi", phi); setNumber(c, "Solu/theta", theta); addNumberChoice(c, "Solu/theta", theta); setNumber(c, "Solu/phi dot", phi_dot); addNumberChoice(c, "Solu/phi dot", phi_dot); setNumber(c, "Solu/theta dot", theta_dot); addNumberChoice(c, "Solu/theta dot", theta_dot); // ask Gmsh to refresh onelab::string s("Gmsh/Action", "refresh"); c->set(s); // stop if we are asked to (by Gmsh) c->get(ns, name + "/Action"); if(ns.size() && ns[0].getValue() == "stop") break; exportMsh(path, l1, l2); exportIter(path, iter, time, x1, y1+l1, x2, y2+l1+l2); c->sendMergeFileRequest(path + "pend.msh"); iter += 1; } } setNumber(c, name + "/Progress", 0, 0, tmax, false); delete c; return 0; }
Direct link to file `pendulum/pend.cpp'