[Gmsh] unstable behaviour with 2nd order elements
Francisco Gilabert Villegas
francisco.gilabert at itc.uji.es
Thu Nov 20 10:01:09 CET 2008
Dear Christophe,
Thanks for your swift answer.
I checked the nightly version (20-Nov-2008 01:11) on Linux.
In 2D, everything is correct. Additionally I tested some complex
geometries and all was ok.
But in 3D, the anomalous behaviour persist. At least, this time,
at the end of the execution you can read "segmentation fault" in
the command line.
I used the same simple code a in the previous message, but this
time adding a simple extrusion of the square (see below):
mm = 0.001;
Lx = 1000*mm;
Ly = 1000*mm;
Lz = 1000*mm;
lc = 100*mm;
p1=newp; Point(p1)={-Lx/2,-Ly/2,-Lz/2,lc};
p2=newp; Point(p2)={-Lx/2,+Ly/2,-Lz/2,lc};
p3=newp; Point(p3)={+Lx/2,+Ly/2,-Lz/2,lc};
p4=newp; Point(p4)={+Lx/2,-Ly/2,-Lz/2,lc};
l1=newl; Line(l1) = {p1, p2};
l2=newl; Line(l2) = {p2, p3};
l3=newl; Line(l3) = {p3, p4};
l4=newl; Line(l4) = {p4, p1};
ll1=newll; Line Loop(ll1) = {l1, l2, l3, l4};
s1=news; Plane Surface(s1) = {ll1};
Recombine Surface{s1};
Ext1[]=Extrude {0, 0, Lz} { // NEW
Surface{s1}; // NEW
Layers{10,1}; // NEW
Recombine; // NEW
}; // NEW
Thank you very much for your help
Dr. Francisco A. Gilabert Villegas
Mecánica de Medios Continuos y Modelización
Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica
Campus Universitario Riu Sec | Avda. Vicent Sos Baynat, s/n
12006 Castellón (Spain)
Tel. 34 964 34 24 24
Fax 34 964 34 24 25
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original al e-mail: itc at itc.uji.es. Gracias.
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