[Gmsh] VTK Output With Boundary Conditions

Christophe Geuzaine cgeuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Wed Sep 2 21:57:20 CEST 2009

Andrew Parker wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> I really like gmsh.  I would like to use it at the start of my process 
> chain.  What I'd like to do is the following:  Obtain an STL file from 
> somewhere, using a geo file merge in the stl file, possibly constructing 
> additional boundaries, and then crutially, give each surface of the 
> geometry a physical boundary name i.e: Physical Surface("Outlet") = 
> {21};.  This is really good for me as the downstream use is a CFD 
> solver.  I need to have strings/flags on the triangles of all surfaces, 
> so that I can apply the correct physics.   I'd then like to use the 2D 
> mesh option to mesh all of these surfaces.  But, then I'd like to exit 
> gmsh, my downstream process constructs the volume mesh. 
> However, what I'd like to read into my downstream process is the output 
> of gmsh which are meshed surfaces and crucially the boundary names which 
> I gave them. I'd like if possible if this output could be in the form of 
> vtk.  So far the only format that I can see that exports the boundary 
> condition/surface names is your own msh format, having looked in the 
> ascii vtk file it does not contain these names.
> Is it a) possible to do this using vtk, can you attribute a 
> flag/name/string/ to a face of a tet or surface of a triangle??  b) if 
> so would it be possible for gmsh to provide this export directly 
> contained within the vtk file written out by gmsh.

Hi Andy - that would be useful indeed: if you send us the format info, 
it should be quite simple to add.

> Many thanks, hope you don't mind me asking.
> Andy
> -- 
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>   Dr Andrew Parker
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Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science