[Gmsh] possible bug in the Frontal Algo SOLVED

walter steffe walter.steffe at alice.it
Thu Feb 18 23:11:24 CET 2016


I do not know exactly the reason but I have observed that Frontal Algo
BUG:  missing of some corner triangles in meshes generated with option

disappears if following lines:

for(CONTAINER::iterator ti = allTris.begin(); ti != allTris.end();){
   if((*ti)->isDeleted()) allTris.erase(ti++);
   else ti++;

are added after:
typedef std::set<MTri3*, compareTri3Ptr> CONTAINER;

at the beginning of function edgeSwapPass(...) which starts at line 2953
of file meshGFaceOptimize.cpp.

Maybe the problem was that edgeSwap (starting at line 2860 of
meshGFaceOptimize.cpp) does not chat that t2 is not deleted before using


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